31 Days to a Better Marriage Series

I’m so excited to share with you what’s ahead for this ministry during the month of October 2013.
The Lord laid it on my heart this past July to put together a series which consisted of several different wives (30 of us to be exact!) to share with you our pains and struggles, our triumphs and lessons learned, and just our hearts for a Christ-centered marriage.
You’ll hear from wives that weren’t saved before they married, to wives who are married to unbelievers, and wives that are pastor’s wives.
You’ll learn about wives who have gone through hardships such as:
- Years of a messy marriage
- Financial turmoil
- Adultery
- Pornography
- The death of a child
- Living with cancer
We are real wives with real issues and we'll be sharing from our place of pain, how we overcame, what God has taught us, how He changed us, and what we do to keep our marriage thriving. The wearing of masks are not allowed in this series because when a woman wears a mask it does no one any good! 🙂 Our desire for this series is to affirm you, equip you, encourage you, and inspire you in your God-honoring role as a wife.
On the Path to a Better Marriage (How to Use this Series to Better Your Marriage)
Day 1: A Marriage that is Not of this World
Day 2: What Kind of Wife Does He Need Me to Be?
Day 4: You Wish He Would Change
Day 5: In Sickness and In Health: Respecting Your Husband through Cancer
Day 6: Reduce Stress and Live More Calmly
Day 7: A Wife's Prescription to Connecting with Her Husband
Day 8: From Mess to Bliss: 7 Tips that Saved My Marriage
Day 10: 5 Ways to Encourage Your Husband to Lead
Day 11: The Blessings and Struggles of Getting Married Young
Day 12: 5 Ways to Keeping Your Marriage Strong While Your Husband Travels
Day 13: Pornography~The Unwelcome Guest in Your Home
Day 14: 3 Ways to Reignite Sexual Passion in a Financially Stressed-Out Marriage
Day 15: Busyness, Ministry, and the Myth of Quality Time
Day 16: When God Intervenes in Your Marriage...
Day 18: Differences in Marriage Are Always There
Day 19: How I Discovered Respect
Day 21: Can Sex-Driven Wives Be Godly Wives?
Day 22: Being Intentionally Intentional
Day 23: Marriage from a Young Wife's Perspective
Day 24: Lessons from Infidelity
Day 25: 6 Ways to Preserve Your Marriage When You're Too Busy Pouring into Others
Day 26: For Those Who Want to Change Their Spouse
Day 27: 5 Ways to Stay Connected with Your Spouse Even When You're Apart
Day 28: Why I'm Not a Pastor's Wife
Day 29: Loving Your Husband through Loss and Grief