Summer Bible Study of Wives of the Bible

Bible Study of the Wives of the Bible

Looking for a mentor for your Christian walk and/or marriage? Well, look no further!

Coming to a computer screen near you is a bite size Bible study of the Wives of the Bible!

Summer Bible Study of Wives of the Bible

When I was newly saved and single I had no older Christian women showing me how to be a Godly woman. But God, in His sovereignty knew what I longed for and needed, therefore He drew me to the women of the Bible so I could learn from them! Thus, many of them became my mentors.  Now I want to pass on to you what they’ve passed on to me so you can put Christ at the center of your marriage!

My personal invitation to you!

If you can’t view the video player, click the link below:

What You’ll Learn:

  • What are the good paths to pursue in your marriage and which ones you should avoid.
  • How to take your marriage from good to great. Or from the dire straits to a joy-filled life!
  • Gain some insights into your man. Or yourself!
  • How to have a marriage that reflects Christ and the Church!

If you’re a single woman and want to get a head start of laying a proper, biblical foundation for your future marriage, join in on the study!  Better yet, grab a group of single women to join you.  I can assure you you’ll receive great insight from the wives we’ll be discussing!

What You Can Expect:

  • In the study, I’ll be going deeper into the life of each wife I’ve written in my book, Wives of the Bible, and I’ll help you apply the Bible to your own marriage and walk with God.
  • It’s a weekly study for 13 weeks.
  • Each week I’ll be doing a short video teaching of 8-10 minutes.  Since there are 25 wives in my book, I didn’t want to have a 25 week study, therefore, I’m discussing 2 wives per week.
  • You’ll have a short study guide which will cover each wife in the book.  I’ve made the study guide do-able, meaning, you’ll only be answering 10 questions or less on each wife.
  • You can also expect an on-line community of this Bible study. If you’re on Facebook and you’d like to connect with other women and discuss the wives of the week, you can join my Facebook group here.  Or you can gather up your girlfriends and do this study in real life, which, I believe would be great for your walk, after all, fellowship is a needed and biblical thing!  What woman doesn’t need it?
  • I made this Bible study manageable for the busy woman, wife, and mom so you can actually implement all that you’ve learned!

When:  The study will start Tuesday, June 17th.  Make sure you subscribe to my site so you can receive future updates about the study.

Cost:  For now, it’s just the cost of the book!  Here’s where you can get the book.  There are 3 different formats to choose from:  pdf/kindle/paperback.  Choose a format to your liking. 🙂

How to sign up:  No sign ups are needed.  In the coming weeks I’ll send out more information about the study as well as how you can get the study guide.  If you’re doing the study strictly on-line, make sure you join my Facebook group:  World-Changing Women & Wives.

For Leaders:  Start gathering up your girlfriends today!  Or if you’re a mom with adult daughters, have them join you!

Some ways to lead a group:

Either volunteer to open up your home or ask a friend to be a hostess so all you have to do is lead the group.  Or you can make it real casual and just go to a local coffee shop.  (In prior years of my life, I’ve done all three depending on the season of life I was in.)  Each week coming June 17th, I will release a new video on Tuesday mornings throughout the summer.  You can either watch the videos together or separately and then discuss the wives of the week.  Another option is to lead a group of women on-line via your own Facebook group.  If you do this, please invite me to hang out at your place! 🙂

I’m looking forward to connecting with you even more as we embark on this incredible journey of becoming world-changers in our marriages and in our communities!  And will you share this with a friend?

Live a poured out life for Christ,

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