31 Days to a Better Marriage Series
31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Wifehood
Day 31: 10 Tips for a Thriving Marriage
1. Stay desperate for God. He is your Source of strength, hope, joy, peace, comfort, and love. Your relationship with Christ needs to be thriving in order for your marriage to thrive. 2. Seek out activities that will cause you to thrive in your spiritual life. When you’re spiritually thriving, it’s easier to minister to…
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Day 30: Taking Up Of the Cross In Marriage
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. Mike Mason, author of The Mystery of Marriage, likened marriage to an oak tree standing in the living room. On his honeymoon he was filled with the terrifying idea of the giving up of his privacy forever and thought he had made a grave mistake.…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Wifehood
Day 29: Loving Your Husband Through Loss and Grief
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. On February 27, 2004, our son went home and back into the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He was two months old. We were devastated. The passing of our son took our marriage to a new level of testing. How were we going to handle this…together?…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Wifehood
Day 28: Why I’m Not a Pastor’s Wife
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. I was 18 the first time I saw him, standing there up front, holding the mic. Unimpressed, I slouched down in my chair and folded my arms, thinking, “That’s the kind of guy my mom would want me to marry.” Famous last words. Five years…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Wifehood
Day 27: 5 Ways to Stay Connected With Your Spouse Even When You’re Apart
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. For those of us who have husbands who have to travel and can be gone for very long periods of time, it is vital to the survival of our marriage that we stay connected. Things that disconnect, by very definition, are severed from one…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
Day 26: for those who want to change their spouse
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. Say it with me, “I cannot change him.” No, really. Say it out-loud. And again. Now say, “And it’s not my job.” Yes, out-loud. Now put both statements together and say it again. Like you mean it. You can even shout it…unless you’re reading…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Wifehood
Day 25: 6 Ways To Preserve Your Marriage When You’re Too Busy Pouring Into Others
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. You listen to a friend whose heart is breaking as her marriage is crumbling around her, you sit with a mom whose child is facing a serious illness, and you hold her hand tightly as you pray with her. You pray with another who…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
Day 24: Lessons From Infidelity
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. Twelve years into our marriage, I found out that Clint had an affair. A few days after his initial confession I found out there was more. He’d had multiple affairs over the course of almost four years. It was completely devastating and life-altering. In…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Wifehood
Day 23: Marriage from a Young Wife’s Perspective
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. I was blessed to begin my marriage as a Christian with a believing husband. We started our relationship with the determination to do things God’s way, and that has not changed. Both of us were raised by parents who have given us amazing examples of…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Wifehood
Day 22: Being Intentionally Intentional
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. I know the title is redundant, but it makes perfect sense. We have a choice: We can intentionally do nothing, stick to the same old routine and not help our marriage or our spouse grow one bit. Or we can be intentionally intentional in…
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