Finances, Podcast, Wifehood
Getting on the Same Page as Your Spouse Regarding Finances
Money is one of the biggest issues that most couples argue over. Perhaps it’s because of fear that I want more in the bank account. Or maybe it’s because I really want to buy those cute shoes to go with my new outfit. Whether I’m a saver or a spender, more likely than not, my…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Finances, Physical Intimacy, Wifehood
Day 14: 3 Ways to Reignite Sexual Passion in a Financially Stressed-Out Marriage
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. Sex and money are two of the most heated topics of discussion in marriage; often causing so much turmoil it fuels on toward divorce. In today’s economy, 19 million Americans are struggling financially, largely because of a job layoff followed by trouble finding full-time…
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10 Ways to Deal with Your Attitude When Faced with Financial Concerns…and a Marital Oneness Monday Link Up!
I once knew a Christian woman who was planning on leaving her husband because of financial problems. Our world’s were very similar. Her man was self-employed and he was struggling in this economy, as was mine. They had lost their home and we had lost our home. Life became difficult for her and I…
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Are You Living in Financial Uncertainty?
In my 14 years of marriage not once has my Beloved received a paycheck. There has been no income that I could count on and budget for, and no dependency of what he’ll bring in each month. All this equates to me living with no financial stability throughout our marriage. It’s always been this…
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Got Financial Concerns in Your Life?…and a Marital Oneness Monday Link Up!
Lately I’ve been receiving more and more emails from wives sharing about their money problems and the strains it has placed on their marriages. Now of course I can totally understand this concern being that my Beloved and I have lived through an IRS audit, was dragged through a lawsuit, had our home foreclosed upon,…
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