Sexual Sin
Physical Intimacy, Podcast, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
When a Sexual Past is Creating Problems in the Marriage
Every marriage is filled with mistakes; either mistakes on the husband’s part or on the wife’s. This is just the straight up truth since marriage is comprised of sinners. Plainly put, we fall short of perfection just like the scripture says in Romans 3:23. So, when a wife makes a mistake, what’s a girl to do…
Read More Physical Intimacy, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
Reviving the Chemistry in Your Marriage (Podcast #42)
The marriage bed can be a complicated place, especially when adultery has taken place. But even if there is no adultery, sex could be painful whether it’s for physical reasons or emotional ones. If you have none of these issues affecting your marriage bed, just the fact that your marriage and sex life is no…
Read More Physical Intimacy, Podcast, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
How Do I Trust Him Again?
When a husband breaks the trust in a marriage, how do you trust him again? After all, for a healthy and thriving marriage, trust is vital! Dear Jolene, Today I caught my husband of 20 years at a strip club- hands on and all during a lap dance from a girl young enough to be…
Read More Physical Intimacy, Sexual Sin, Singlehood, Wifehood
Pulling Back the Shades: Book Review
Recently, I had the opportunity to read Dr. Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh’s newest book, Pulling Back the Shades. If you don’t know a thing about this book, allow me to share it with you. Basically, the book was written out of a need. Our culture has been turned upside down with the book, 50…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
Day 26: for those who want to change their spouse
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. Say it with me, “I cannot change him.” No, really. Say it out-loud. And again. Now say, “And it’s not my job.” Yes, out-loud. Now put both statements together and say it again. Like you mean it. You can even shout it…unless you’re reading…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
Day 24: Lessons From Infidelity
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. Twelve years into our marriage, I found out that Clint had an affair. A few days after his initial confession I found out there was more. He’d had multiple affairs over the course of almost four years. It was completely devastating and life-altering. In…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
Day 13: Pornography ~ The Unwelcome Guest in Your Home
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. Have you discovered that pornography showed up in your home like an uninvited guest, unpacked her bags, and isn’t catching on to the fact that she is UNwelcome? If so, let me begin by telling you that I’m sorry. I’m sorry that this is…
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Should You Apologize to the Woman You Committed Adultery Against?
Dear Jolene, In the past, I committed adultery. I never asked for forgiveness of this man’s wife that I wronged and the family that was affected by my great sin. My husband does not want me to speak to this woman but there has been a quiet urging in me all this year to call…
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How I Overcame My Past So My Marriage Could Flourish
Sometimes we’re held in bondage from our past. Because of this, it’s easy for us to carry the luggage of guilt and shame straight into our marriage. When I was a new bride this was my struggle and it’s the same struggle from a wife who wrote in asking for guidance to overcome her chains…
Read More Physical Intimacy, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
My Husband Has Committed Adultery. What Should I Do Now?
Source Adultery…. A betrayal at the deepest level. My heart hurts so much when I receive emails from wives whose husbands have been unfaithful to them. I can’t even imagine the brokenness they must be feeling inside. But then I read stories of how our God has redeemed and transformed marriages when the man had turned his…
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