Friendships for a Purpose
A few weeks back I wrote an article about cultivating friendships, and girl, I gotta tell you, my heart just broke by what I read in the comments.
Hurting women desiring friendships.
Women who are a part of the Body of Christ yet they feel alone.
This should not be.
And I don’t like it. Not one bit!
And I want to fix this problem to help a girlfriend out. Because there is tremendous purpose behind a friendship. More so than just having another woman who ‘gets’ you.
But creating, nurturing, and maintaining a relationship with another human being isn’t always easy peasy. In fact, you might be like me, a woman who wants to run and hide from another relationship because it might lead to more heartache, pain, and rejection. May we not let our feelings of being rejected by others overpower the joy God has set before us. And here’s why…
Friendship is ministry.
“Let us draw near [to Christ] with a true heart in full assurance of faith,” and “let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:22, 24-25)
Deep, soul-satisfying friendships starts with an intimate, on-going relationship with our Maker.
Jesus wants to do life with you and I before He wants us to set out and do life with others. Because you can’t pour out into another person unless the Maker of your soul has poured into you.
God has put within you and I a desire for fellowship.
The Greek word for fellowship is Koinonia.
It means:
- association, community, communion, joint participation, intimacy
- the share which one has in anything, participation
That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. 1 John 1:3,4
When we seek out to have more intimacy (fellowship) with Jesus, joy will naturally increase in your life.
When we’re intimate with God, He pours His strength, wisdom, grace, and compassion into us so we can pour these same things out onto others.
- When we spend time with the Lord, this relationship will bring us joy.
- When we spend time with others for the purpose of glorifying God, this pursuit will bring us joy as well.
Girl, the recipe above will yield a double portion of joy in your life!
So, are you lacking joy? If so, apply the above two steps!
A God-honoring friendship will sharpen you, encourage you, support you, and equip you to glorify the Lord.
- What if you and I cultivated friendships so others were encouraged and equipped to live for Jesus Christ?
- Do you think God would honor these relationships?
- Do you think having a heart motive like this would bring glory to the Lord?
- Do you think if you stepped out of your emotional comfort zone to be a friend like this that God would bless you with some great friends?
I think the answer would be ‘yes’ to all of the above.
So, the last question I want to leave you with is this one (and yeah, it hurts just a bit!) Are you seeking out a friend merely to help you feel better or to help you be a better Christ-follower?
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle