Pressing Forward and Forgetting What’s Behind

I just love reading through the book of Philippians because I am always so encouraged by what the Apostle Paul writes. The man was so real and straight forward.

Not only did Paul have a past, but he also had a bad reputation and I would not be surprised if he felt a little embarrassed by it, seeing how he was known in the land for killing Christians; at least until his life was transformed on the road to Damascus! He, himself went through so many trials and persecutions that I think many believers can easily identify with him as they too face difficult times or circumstances. Yet, in spite of all that Paul had gone through, he always kept his eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of his faith. At this time in your homeschooling year, I hope you too will find encouragement by what he writes in the book of Philippians, chapter 3, verses 12-13, “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.” As the end of the school year is approaching I am sure you will look back and see your failures or perhaps your childrens’ failures and become defeated in your journey; but remember that is something that the Enemy would like you to always feel as you homeschool your children. Yet, that is not what our gracious and loving Father sees in you, His precious daughter. What God sees is a woman who is living a life of self-sacrifice as you spend your days serving your husband, training your children and teaching them the things of the Lord, along with preparing them for a future of service unto the King of Kings. He sees you having the right heart attitude as you spend your days in the mundane, the day in and day out, a thankless job and sometimes what seems like no production of fruit, nor comprehension of the basic concepts that your kids will need in order to get through life. He sees you and He knows your fears and concerns. He knows what you battle through. He knows what you struggle with and what your children struggle with. Be encouraged to know that you are not alone in your thoughts, none of us have attained perfection in our homeschooling. You may look back and see where you should have used a different curriculum, where you could have spent more time on teaching the basics to your children or perhaps where you could have put forth more effort in training your kid’s character. Well, I have a saying, “Should’a, Would’a, Could’a”! God gives everyone a choice in how they are going to handle things. Paul had a choice too, he knew he was not perfect, so instead of lamenting on his failures, he “pressed on”. He did not use an excuse like, “Gee Lord, how can I bring the Gospel message to your people when I am known for killing them? Instead of complaining about his past decisions, he chose to “reach forward to those things which are ahead”. Do I think that Paul had regret from his past decisions? Absolutely, he was, after all, human! Just like you may have some regrets for the decisions you have made this past year, don’t let those things keep you from looking forward to next year. You are building God’s kingdom one day at a day with the little disciples that He has entrusted in your care. You have done your best to be faithful in this journey, something which is not always an easy task! So, have the mindset that Paul had when he penned the following: “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14

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Jolene Engle

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