Search Results: sex

When Your Spouse Has Sexual Fantasies about Someone Else

Everyday choices can either build a marriage or break it. Personally speaking, if I don’t bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), it won’t take much for my self-centered, flesh-filled thoughts to hijack my mind so I make destructive choices not God-honoring ones. Every human being on the face…
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When You Struggle to Have Sex Because You’re Insecure with Your Outer Appearance

The idea of showing my body to my man when I’m insecure with my outer appearance is never on the top of my to-do list. And I’m insecure with my outer appearance every day.  But, I don’t believe I’m the only wife who feels this way. In fact, I know I’m not.  One woman shared with me…
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When Your Sex Drive is Higher than Your Husband’s

Physical intimacy can be such a complicated issue in marriage.  Usually, we hear the husband has the higher sex drive, but what’s becoming more and more common today is hearing how the wife has the higher drive.  This is what one woman is dealing with in her marriage. Here’s her story… Dear Jolene I am always…
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How Often Should a Wife Initiate Sex?

Physical intimacy in marriage….  It’s a good thing designed by God.  But sometimes as Christian wives, we can be rather reserved in this area of our marriage.  But should that be the case? Click below to listen to my response. Show’s Transcripts Dear Jolene Thank you for your advice on intimacy! I have a question.…
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What’s a Wife to do When She Doesn’t Want to Have Sex?

As a new bride, the idea of not having sex with my husband was not an idea that would have ever crossed my mind.  But when the newness of my marriage wore off and then intimacy struggles I faced were ushered in, I thought, now what?  Do I just let the passion for my husband die?  Well,…
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When a Sexual Past is Creating Problems in the Marriage

Every marriage is filled with mistakes; either mistakes on the husband’s part or on the wife’s.  This is just the straight up truth since marriage is comprised of sinners.  Plainly put, we fall short of perfection just like the scripture says in Romans 3:23.  So, when a wife makes a mistake, what’s a girl to do…
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7 Things Every Christian Wife Needs to Know about Sex

One of the best things my husband said to me as a new bride regarding our sexual intimacy was this: “We’ve got the rest of our lives to figure each other out.” And boy, am I thankful he said those words because over the years of our marriage, I’ve had issue after issue in the…
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A Devotional Book for Sexual Intimacy

I’m thrilled to have my fellow blogging friend, J from Hot, Holy & Humorous sharing here today.  J is one of my favorite Christian sex bloggers and one of the reasons why I like her SO much is because she writes on physical intimacy from a biblical perspective. And she’s direct.  Hmm, she loves Jesus…
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Unmade Bed w/Song of Songs 1:4

Day 21: Can Sex-Driven Wives Be Godly Wives?

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. I’m tempted to answer my own question, “You bet,” and leave it at that. Yet I know the struggle that many Christian wives feel. I’ve felt it too. That sense that if you really enjoy sex with your husband… If you desire, delve, and…
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Day 14: 3 Ways to Reignite Sexual Passion in a Financially Stressed-Out Marriage

Missed some posts in this series?  You can read them here. Sex and money are two of the most heated topics of discussion in marriage; often causing so much turmoil it fuels on toward divorce. In today’s economy, 19 million Americans are struggling financially, largely because of a job layoff followed by trouble finding full-time…
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Jolene Engle

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