This is How I Home School!
Yesterday was our first day back to school. As I sat at our kitchen table anticipating a great day of teaching my children, this became our reality:
Our day of learning certainly didn’t look like this! |
Child #2 became angry with Child #1 so the boy decided to throw his pencil at his brother. (Come on now, someone should really train those children!)
The Mother looked up and saw a pencil flying through the air and she laughed hysterically over the situation. In fact, I think she peed her pants.
Then she realized she was after all, the Mother, therefore, laughing at that time was quite inappropriate especially when Child #1 didn’t think it was so funny! We all know someone could’ve gotten their eye poked out!
So, the Mother scolded Child #2, but then he started to cry. Yes, the Mother made her child cry. However, she did apologize for hurting his tender heart.
Later, after a 2 hour math lesson with Child #1, yes, you read that right, a 2 hour math lesson! The boy was really getting on the Mother’s nerves.
Voices became louder.
Hair was starting to fall out.
Then the Husband came home and heard the loud, frustrated voices.
He decided it was best to remove the books from…. the Mother.
This was day 1 out of 180 days of teaching.
It might be a long year!
Yep, this is how I home school! You’re jealous now, aren’t you?
One would think after 8 years of doing this I wouldn’t have such problems, but obviously that was not the case yesterday.
So did I feel like a failure as a mother? Of course, especially since I didn’t even cover all of our subjects on the first day of school!
Now my dear friend, whether your kids go to public school, private school or are home schooled, we’ll all have days when we feel like a failure of a mom. But I encourage you to look for Christ in those moments when life does not go according to plan. When you’ve fallen and failed, keep bringing Christ back to your children. And keep emulating Christ to your children (even if you do make them cry!) Remember, it’s all about your children learning to love the Lord.
“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.” You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. Deut. 6:5-7
Today, said Husband did math with the children. (smile)
As a mother, how was your first day back to school?
Live a poured out life for Christ,
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Thank you for your realness and your willingness to be used by our Lord to encourage and buildup women to not let anything come between the marriage and the calling and purposes God calls us to when raising our children to love and honor the Lord. “First things first” Matthew 6:33