
A Personal Update

Hi friend,It’s been a long minute since I’ve written to you. In my last article I shared how I struggled to get my words out as my cognitive function declined due to menopause.  With health treatments, my brain has improved greatly since then, praise God!

Last month, my youngest son, Noah married his sweetheart, Albina. A few years ago when he went away to Bible College for a semester in Israel, he felt God calling him to a church in Texas. But God delayed his plans because it was during this time that a budding relationship started with Albina- a girl he knew for several years from church. A year and a half later they wedded!

After they came back from their honeymoon, they packed up all of their belongings to obey God’s call and headed to Texas even though he had no job lined up! Part of my heart left that morning at 4:00am as they travelled halfway across the country to their new home.

Mr. and Mrs. Noah Engle

Mother-son dance where I broke down and cried ugly tears.

And just like that, 22 years went by and I’ve been replaced by another woman! Of course, I will always be his mama, but his priorities have shifted now that he is married and rightfully so. If not, I didn’t teach him well.

Eric and I are now empty-nesters. (My oldest son, Seth married his sweetheart, Destiny 2 years ago in a private ceremony.)

I’ve also stepped away from our company’s business due to health reasons and because my heart longs to be back here writing to you. Hopefully, doctor’s appointments will come to an end for a time and life will settle down a bit so I can make that happen.

If there is one main theme the Lord has taught me in all the years of marriage, motherhood, and ministry it is delays.  So often when God shows me something, I think it is for the now, not the laterBut God is still on the throne through the delays and detours. His promises are true and His timing is perfect.

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. Psalm 18:30

In the meantime, I’m putting my head down to finish writing my next book. If you don’t mind, will you keep me in your prayers? The book pertains to a Biblical marriage and we all know Satan will distract and discourage me in this God-honoring pursuit. 

Live a poured out life for Christ

Jolene Engle

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Jolene Engle

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