Are You a Courageous Woman?

Recently, my family and I were given tickets to the movie, Courageous.  Not knowing much about the film other than the fact that it was made by the same folks who produced Facing the Giants and Fireproof, I was really looking forward to seeing it.

After watching this wonderful, phenomenal, God-fearing, and biblically accurate (according to a man’s biblical role in life, that is) show, I was shocked and ever-so touched by how well the movie turned out! The writers and producers presented a VERY powerful message as the story line portrayed how men should act as God-fearing fathers, protectors and leaders of their families.

I am sure every woman that walked out of the theater was thankful that her husband, son, father, brother, or any other male by her side, saw that movie.  It was such a strong, God-breathed message on film that I have a hard time thinking the men that saw that show were not challenged to rise to the occasion  in some sort of way.  If you have seen the movie, then you know what I am talking about.

Now, I have the privilege to be married to a man that has walked with his Savior for over 40 years now.  (He gave his heart to Christ when he was just a boy at age 7 and has faithfully followed Him since.)  By the way, after 13 years of marriage, I do not feel worthy to be his wife.  When I met him, I would refer to him as my ‘Solomon’ and I was his Shulamite woman.  And still to this day, I sign his cards to ‘My Solomon’, From, Your Shulamite.  I believe I got the better end of the deal in our marriage.  hehe!

Anyways, my point being is this.  My man does his best to follow the Lord and he faithfully tries to be the God-fearing husband and father that is laid out in the Scriptures.  Of course he fails and sins just like the rest of us.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  Romans 3:23

Here’s my point:  Even though my husband follows Christ to the best of his ability, the movie still brought a conviction to his heart knowing that he could do better in his role as a husband and father.

Anyways, we left the theater that day and my husband said the message of the movie could make a huge impact on the men in this world and I wholeheartedly agreed.

But then I made this statement,

The sad thing is, I do not believe producers would ever make this kind of movie to encourage women to be God-fearing wives and mothers.

I went on to say,

“I just couldn’t see many women lining up to buy a movie ticket in order to learn how to submit, respect, and honor their husbands, nor could I see many women wanting to know how to better serve and instruct their children!  It just wouldn’t happen in our society.”

I wondered how many women already knew the story line of Courageous and they either manipulated, nagged, or dragged their husband to see that film in hopes that their man would be a better husband or father as a result of the show?  How many women walked out of the theater disappointed that her husband was not a man of God like the ones portrayed on the screen?

Imagine for a moment if someone produced a movie to encourage women to be better wives or mothers.  How many men would like to take their wives to go see it?  I am sure A LOT!  How many women would be angry that their husbands took them to see that movie?

Of course all of this is speculation but our society today is so feminine dominate and it is constantly beating down men and emasculating them.

My spirit was grieved just thinking about how the movie of Courageous probably wouldn’t be reversed for women because it wouldn’t be received.

The biblical role of womanhood is so misunderstood, frowned upon and demoralized by those in and out of the church today.  Btw, it is usually a woman who has an issue with biblical womanhood and not a man, (not always the case, but usually.)  Note:  before I came to Christ, I WAS ONE OF THOSE WOMEN!

So I had this thought.  If I couldn’t see a movie made for us, how about it if God-fearing women made their own Courageous Resolution on paper?

A Resolution that stood for what the Bible had to say about our role as wives and mothers.

Could we make an impact through the blogosphere and social media letting other women know it is okay (and wonderful, I might add) to live out a life according to God’s Word?

Well I don’t know how much of an impact can be made, but I have made up my mind to do something about it!

Here is A Woman’s Courageous Resolution that I have made just for the above purpose!

Post it, share it, reprint it, frame it.  LIVE IT!

This is where I stand!  Will you stand with me?

I WILL diligently pursue Christ with my whole heart.

I WILL submit to my husband as the leader of my home, knowing that it is God who has appointed him as my headship.

I WILL diligently give my husband honor and respect.

I WILL be a helpmate to my husband, coming alongside of him as he leads our family for Christ.

I WILL share my heart with my husband so he can learn to dwell with me with understanding, rather than shout my words like a contentious woman or stuff my feelings and allow bitterness to grow in our marriage.

I WILL be faithful to my husband both physically and emotionally.

I WILL diligently serve my husband and my children with a loving and kind heart.

I WILL train up my children in the ways of the LORD as I nurture and instruct them.

I WILL seek to be content and have a cheerful heart as I keep our home.

I WILL be mindful of how much time I spend doing other activities or ministries that may hinder me from serving my family first.

I WILL forgive others who have hurt me and restore the relationship of those that I have offended.

As Christ has poured out His life for me, I WILL seek to pour out my life for Christ as I pour into the lives of my husband and children.

A woman who fears the LORD shall be praised.  

Proverbs 31:30

Let’s take the stand together,

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