10 Ways to Manage a Stressful Season as a Couple
There are no ‘ifs’ about it, you and I will face trials in this fallen world. It’s a guarantee straight from Jesus, himself that we’ll go through challenging times. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33 The troubles that life brings…
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Navigating a Storm as a Couple
Eric and I are back to podcasting again after a big break. Today and the coming weeks, we’re bringing you all things related to walking through a storm as a couple. Click below to listen. Live a poured out life for Christ, Jolene Engle
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10 Biblical Remedies for Emotional Healing
Several years ago I fell down some stairs in my home. The pain was so great it literally knocked the wind right out of my lungs. Thankfully, my knees and shins were just bruised and not broken. But that fall left an impact on my body leaving me with deformed shins several years after the…
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5 Ways to Push the Reset Button On Your Marriage
I believe every couple should take a step back and look at their marriage and really be intentional about improving it. Being that we are ‘one’ with our spouse, doesn’t it make sense if we re-evaluate our marriage from time to time? The longer you’ve been married, I’m sure the more likely you’ve wrestled with any…
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Top 10 Pieces of Marital Advice for 2019
Was 2019 a year filled with storms? Perhaps you’re longing for some solace in 2020? Whether 2019 was great or garbage, either way, we can always grow. (Those trials you and I have lived through… God uses them to make us more like Him.) I went through the archives of our podcast episodes pulling up…
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How Do You Follow a Husband Who Is Not Going in the Right Direction?
God never made husbands all-knowing. They mess up and make mistakes just like us wives, which puts us in a difficult position of following them. One woman left us a message asking how can she follow her husband when he is not going in the right direction. Click below to listen to our response.
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8 Ways a Wife Can Encourage Her Passive Husband to Lead
Not all men who become husbands are natural-born leaders. (Just like not all wives are natural-born followers.) Some men have passive personalities and they shy away from leading. Yet, God has called them to lead. If you’ve got yourself an easy-going, laid-back personality of a husband, Eric and I discuss ways you can encourage his…
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How to Encourage Your Husband to Lead Like Jesus When He Doesn’t Know How
Perhaps your husband is lacking leadership abilities because he didn’t have a role model or his role model was a poor example while your man was growing up? Or maybe he’s riddled with insecurities? Eric and I discuss ways you can encourage your husband’s leadership abilities in today’s podcast episode. Dear brothers and sisters, I…
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14 Reasons Why a Husband Isn’t Leading Like Jesus
Do you have a husband who has a hard time leading like Jesus? If so, you’ll want to listen to today’s podcast episode where Eric and I discuss the reasons why that might be happening. Click below to listen. Got a question for me? Here are the guidelines… Keep your message short and sweet because…
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15 Reasons Why a Wife Won’t Follow Her Husband
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church. Ephesians 5:23 Why on earth would a wife want to follow her husband? Because the Bible says the husband is the head. This is how God set up marriage. Before I married Eric, I could’ve had the…
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