
When Life Does Not Go According to Your Plans

Many years ago I had a lot of health issues. My body was broken in several ways. I used to tell my husband that even though my body was broken, my brain still worked. It was in this physically broken season that the Lord called me to start this online ministry. Looking back, I can…
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The Christian and the Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to live in unprecedented times. Here in California, the Governor just gave an order for the majority of the population to stay at home. For the world, the status quo is no more. Life has been turned upside down. All of a sudden you’re out of toilet paper. All…
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15 Scriptures to Anchor a Woman's Heart

15 Scriptures to Anchor a Woman’s Heart

When your soul feels like it’s being tossed to and fro and when problems can make us feel like we’re drowning in this life we can rest assured that God is in control. 2 Peter 1:3 says, “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.” Life in this…
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10 Biblical Remedies for Emotional Healing

10 Biblical Remedies for Emotional Healing

Several years ago I fell down some stairs in my home. The pain was so great it literally knocked the wind right out of my lungs. Thankfully, my knees and shins were just bruised and not broken. But that fall left an impact on my body leaving me with deformed shins several years after the…
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The 4 Essentials You Need When You’re in the Wilderness

Wilderness moments. Times when you question your faith. Times when you doubt. Times filled with hurt. Times when you wander. Times when you’re tempted. Difficult times. Bleak times. Downright discouraging times. Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Matthew 4:1 Take a closer look at…
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My Story of How I Denied Christ even though I’m a Christian (Part 2)

David, Peter, and Paul, were strong-hearted and strong-minded souls determined to live for Jesus Christ. These men resonated with my spirit. Whether it was their personalities or their passion for the Lord, I have been drawn to them over the years because I viewed these guys as warriors for Christ. However, years ago when I…
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My Story of How I Denied Christ Even though I’m a Christian (Part 1)

Have you ever experienced a time in your Christian walk when you just couldn’t sing songs of praise and worship to the Lord?  Or a time when you just couldn’t, or you didn’t want to read your Bible?  How about a time when you could not feel God’s presence in your life, and all you…
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Are You Doubting Easter?

It’s so easy to doubt, isn’t it?  We all go through times of fretting and fearing the outcome of our lives at one time or another, haven’t we? We wonder…… Will God provide for me? Will my marriage get any better? Will He heal me? Will my husband ever get a job? Will my children…
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The Issue isn’t Guns, it’s Sin

I was in disbelief by what I read regarding the tragedy that took place in San Bernardino, especially since I reside in San Bernardino county.  My home is not close to the shootings, though.  It’s a good 45 minutes away from where it all took place.  But regardless of my proximity, I know people who have…
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An Intentional Christ-Centered Christmas Begins with Me

The last few weeks have been hard.  I’ve been sicker than a dog and I got sick during my son’s 16th birthday party while I had a house full of teens. Then there was family drama.  Which left me in tears. And then came Thanksgiving and all of its demands.  After it was all said and done, the…
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Jolene Engle

Hi, I'm Jolene.
I'm so happy you're here!

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