Hope for a Hurting and Lost Soul
I believe with every fiber of my being that this message needs to be given. Somewhere out in cyberspace is someone who needs to hear this because:
Your loneliness is unbearable.
Your heart aches day in and day out.
You’re filled with guilt and shame because of your past mistakes.
Someone has taken your innocence away or you didn’t know any better and you just gave it away.
You’ve been rejected time and time again.
Your soul is empty and you feel lost.
All your scars from this life have left you bitter.
Your life is so excruciatingly painful and you feel miserable.
You’re starving for Truth and direction in this life.
You can’t seem to fill the emptiness that’s in your heart. You’re broken inside.
My heart hurts for you because you don’t know how comforting your life can be with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He is all Hope. And He is all Peace.
Oh friend, even though I don’t know you, I, too, have experienced some ridiculous pain in my life and therefore, I can’t help but identify with you!
My pain led me to worship myself and my career.
My pain led me to almost take my life.
My pain led me to proclaim that there was no God. Yet, I was absolutely miserable, bitter, lonely, and to say that my heart was hurting would be a gross understatement!
But I’m here to tell you some wonderful news….
Jesus Christ is real.
He’s alive.
He’s all-powerful and He transforms lives!
Now here’s something you need to know. This is not a typical post for me to write. You see, I write to encourage and equip those who are already followers of Jesus Christ. We’re known as Christians, Believers, or Born-again followers, in case you didn’t know. But my heart was so heavy for you today; the person who has not given their heart to Jesus Christ as their Lord.
I urge you to come to Him and surrender your life over to Him.
He’ll heal you of all your wounds.
He’ll love you and accept you unconditionally.
He’ll help you go through this difficult life.
He’ll give you a purpose that’s much larger than yourself.
He’ll adopt you into His family, yes, you, precious you, because He wants you to be His little girl.
AND when your time here on earth is over, you get to spend eternity in Heaven rather than Hell. (Yes, Heaven and Hell are real places, sorry to break the news to some of you.)
Now let me just say that maybe you’ve been exposed to Christianity and you were less than impressed. I hear you on that one. Years ago I attended a Christian college and I wasn’t even a Christian. My freshman year I had a roommate that was a drug addict who lit our dorm room on fire, and yeah, that really screwed with my perception of Christianity! As much as I wanted and needed a Savior, I couldn’t find Him there. All I saw was hypocrisy. All I saw were lives that were no different than my own, yet they claimed to be Christians. I just didn’t get the whole God and Jesus thing at that time.
Now fast forward to almost 25 years later and here’s what I’ve learned. As Believers, sometimes we’re just a poor example of Christ, but that doesn’t mean that Christ is less than perfect, because He’s not!
He’s complete Perfection.
He’s complete Love.
He’s complete Grace.
We, as Christians, just screw things up time and time again and make our God look bad, but that’s not our hearts. We do try to live a life that’s pleasing to Jesus, but we fall short and sin over and over again. And some of what you see in our lives is our sins! But what we want you to see is our Savior and how wonderful He is and how much we love Him and how much He loves us! He loves us so much that He died for us. Imagine that! Someone who is perfect chose to die for people filled with dirty rotten sins. That’s love, my friend!
If you have felt any of the things I’ve listed above, then my question to you is what do you have to lose if you gave your heart to the Lord? Take a step of faith and hand your life over to the Lord. I guarantee you you won’t regret it!
If you want to embrace Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can do it right now! It’s simple.
Here’s a basic prayer you can pray:
Dear Lord,
I know that I’m a sinner.
Jesus died to save sinners.
Jesus died to save me.
Cleanse me of my sins, Lord.
Come into my heart.
Give me a new life.
Help me to follow you all the days of my life from this day forward.
In Jesus name, I pray.
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—Ephesians 2:8
When I prayed a pray similar to the one above, nothing special happened to me. I didn’t get emotional or have goosebumps. Some people have experienced these things, but I didn’t. I didn’t feel any different than I did before I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. The only change I experienced was I started to think and act differently, which is evidence of the Holy Spirit working in my heart. So, keep this in mind if you don’t feel any different.
Also, it’s really important for you to get plugged in to a good, Bible-teaching church where you can grow in your Christian walk.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle
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