How You Can Change the World in the Name of Jesus Christ
If I were to look out into the world today I would see two things: impoverished people and persecuted Christians. It’s sad, really. To see that human beings are having to live at the local dump in order to provide shelter and food. Or that our fellow brothers and sisters are being killed simply because they live for Jesus Christ. Millions of Christians around the world are being persecuted for their faith. Some have lost their homes, jobs, and families. While others have been imprisoned, tortured, and even killed.
As Christ-followers we can shine love and show others that the Redeemer of our hearts has come, not just for us, but for the desperate and hurting souls.
But how do we do it?
There’s nothing like being the hands and feet of Jesus to others during His season; the Christmas season.
Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t get in a plane and travel across the world to meet those in need. But what I can do is try to reach them through a Christ-centered organization that works tirelessly to reach thousands of people all in the name of Christ.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw Samaritan’s Purse Gift Catalog. My boys were little guys at the time and as we flipped through the pages, we saw one awesome gift after another…
A goat. Really?
I could buy someone a goat. What an odd, but awesome idea, I thought.
It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Milk to fill empty tummies.
A gift that brings physical nourishment on a regular basis.
A gift that is given in the name of Jesus.
Sign me up!
Give a goat and you can change the world.
Did you know…
- Goats are a big deal.
- A dairy goat typically produces about a quart of milk a day, rich with proteins, vitamins, and minerals that help children grow strong and adults stay healthy.
- When Samaritan’s Purse gives a pregnant goat, the recipient gives the first offspring to another family in need, which makes the program come full circle.
The Samaritan’s Purse Gift Catalog has a huge selection of gifts that will impact lives and entire communities. What this organization is doing around the world is truly amazing! Go here to check it out and be a part.
Not into goats? Then give chickens and change the world!
Did you know…
- For $14 you can purchase baby chickens to be given to impoverished families around the world. These chickens provide an ongoing source of nutrition and supplemental source of income.
- The chickens can lay thousands of fresh eggs every year.
- Samaritan’s Purse provides the start-up food, materials to build a coop, vocational training, and marketing skills to each participant. Staff veterinarians teach the participants how to construct a coop, mix their own chicken feed, and care for the chickens.
- They not only provide sustenance but they offer people a way to earn an income and gives the means to support their family. Give baby chicks here: Samaritan’s Purse Gift Catalog.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Now go! Be the Church. Be the hands and feet of Jesus. Be a world-changer, my friend!
Live a poured out life for Christ,
My husband has requested a goat for several years now. Samaritan’s Purse offers them cheaper than the ministries I’ve given through before. I was able to buy some chicks too!
That’s awesome. Great to hear about the lower prices through Samaritan’s Purse. Thanks for sharing that info with us!