For Such a Time As This
I sat in a room amongst women who called themselves writers and I instantly felt like a fish out of water. After the devotional was read, I blurted out to the group, “So do you all love to write?” I’m sure I had a puzzled look on my face when I said those words. And I was met with puzzling faces as well. After all, I was at a writer’s group, so who in their right mind would ask a question like that! That would be me, of course. 🙂
Then a woman asked me a question that I’ve been pondering for about a month now.
So, are you a teacher?
Hmmm, I thought. I’m not even sure if I responded to her. In my mind, I just consider myself as a vessel wanting to surrender my life to the Lord- seeking to do His will and not my own.
I don’t live and love to write, yet, I’m compelled to write in order to pour out the passion that burns within my heart.
But her words keep echoing in my mind….
Are you a teacher?
Well, I lead the reader and I instruct the reader, but to call myself a teacher? I wasn’t so sure.
And then last month I wrote a Bible study on the Wives of the Bible. It was through this process that I certainly felt like my teacher’s hat was on. Countless hours of searching the scriptures, blurred vision as I franctically worked to meet a deadline, and almost two hundred verses later all wrapped up and placed into a Bible study made me feel more like a teacher than a writer.
It’s more natural for me to instruct and equip- to show the path to a Christ-centered life and marriage than it is to just let words flow from my heart.
Yes, author is a title that can be added to my name, but I don’t feel it accurately describes me.
And that’s when my beloved said it. “You’re a Bible teacher!” I couldn’t help but smile at him when he said those words. They seemed more fitting. Of course the idea of being a Bible teacher overwhelms me and brings tears to my eyes because I’m not worthy to present the Word of God to His daughters, yet, that calling is what I’m most passionate about.
Like Esther, I can’t remain quiet. And who knows, maybe the Lord has been preparing me for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)
He’s been preparing me for years and now He’s leading me to a new place that I can’t wait to share with you! Follow me over here so I can tell you all about it!
Live a poured out life for Christ,