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Hope for a Hurting Marriage…& a Link Up!

Just recently I’ve received several emails about wives whose husbands are wanting to divorce them.  These women are hurting, scared, and they want to keep their marriage but they don’t know what they can do so their man won’t leave.  Now, even if your marriage isn’t on the brink of divorce some of the things I’m outlining in this post can help heal a hurting marriage or protect your marriage from falling apart.  So read on.

Here’s a letter from one wife sharing her story. This broken women is in need of some encouragement, as well as some counsel, so I thought I’d share her words with you hoping you’d chime in to build up a fellow sister in the Lord.

Dear Jolene,

My husband and I have been married 12 yrs, about a week ago he told me he is not in love with me and he has no interest in getting any help.

My husband says that we are not friends and to be honest with you I have a hard time with that because I do have friends but I have not been able to establish my husband as a friend.

We have 2 daughters whom we love, he is ready to tell them that we are getting divorced after the holidays. I would like him to stay not just for our kids but for us to work things out, he says with his mouth he doesn’t love me but I know there are trials and tribulations going on around him. I have to admit to you that I have not been “that” wife the bible speaks about…. I’m not his friend, I’m not a good listener, I try to control him, I anger easily. It was not until a few days ago loving him purposely ( I thought love was just a feeling I got whenever he did something good for me ). I was not showing/displaying all the types of love the bible requires us to. Its sad I have admit this but its the truth… He is distant and cold and I don’t want to pressure him but I also understand how he feels. I have pushed him away.

I would like your advice, tip, suggestions on what I can do?

~a broken wife

Dear Broken Wife,

First, I want you to know how much my heart hurts for what you are going through. Second, you are wise and discerning to realize that you have made mistakes, (like All. Of. Us!) in your marriage rather than just placing the blame on your man, so, I applaud you for your humility!

Since your man is still in the home with you then I’d recommend a few things so you can win him back! Between now and the end of Christmas you have about 5 weeks, so during that time, my encouragement to you would be to fight for your marriage and be intentional about winning him over. But first, you need to ask him a hard question that NO wife would want to ask her husband.

You need to find out if there is another woman in his life so you know what you’re dealing with.  If there is not, then winning him over will be much easier because you’re dealing with a man whose heart is hardened towards you, rather than a man who has given his heart away to another woman.

Share with your man what you shared with me.  Let him know you haven’t been the best wife and you could have done more to better your relationship with him. Apologize to him and hopefully he’ll accept your apology and extend to you grace and forgiveness, but again, you can’t force him to do these things.

Whether he accepts your apology or not, let him know that you want to be intentional about being a Godly wife; one who respects and loves her husband, and you also want to work at saving your marriage.

The following plan to restore your marriage won’t be easy to do in any sense of the word.  You’ll have to die to yourself daily.  You’ll have to lay down your pride even if your man won’t.  Even though this won’t be a cakewalk what you’re doing is pouring out your life for Christ; to ultimately bring Him glory through this trial.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.  Romans 12:1

The goal here is to save your marriage because God hates divorce (Mal. 2:16), so keep that in mind when things become increasingly difficult.  Remember too that you’re in a spiritual battle.  Satan wants to rip apart your marriage, but with God, all things are possible.

Another thing you mentioned was that he is no longer in love with you and you expressed that love is a feeling.  Our emotions can easily deceive us. According to the Bible, love is an action.  When we act and do things in a loving way, our feelings for the other person will naturally follow.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.  1 Corinthians 13:4-7

10 Ways to Win Your Man Over

  • Repent to the Lord for your sins.  Do this every day (whether you’re have a rocky marriage or not!)  This one small act will help you with humility and you’ll have peace in knowing that whatever transpires in your marriage, you are in right-standing with the Lord.
  • Repent to your husband for how you have treated him over the course of your marriage.  Do this whether he repents of any of his sins and whether he forgives you or not.
  • Let him know that you’re glad he asked you to marry him even if he still leaves you.
  • Thank him each day for working hard for you and the children.  Let him know you appreciate all that he has done for your family.
  • Don’t hold a grudge for ANYTHING.  Love keeps no record of wrongs. (1 Cor. 13:5)  Let the past go and move on.

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.  Phil. 3:13

  • Be sweet and kind to him, kinda like the way you were before you married him. 🙂  A wife’s attitude makes a huge difference in a marriage.  Pay attention to him.  Listen to what interests him and see if you can do some of the things he likes to do.
  • Shower him with love.  Something you can do each day is prepare his favorite meal, have the house picked up, make sure he’s got clean clothes to wear, dress in clothes that he likes you in, do your hair and makeup, etc.
  • Respect him even if you feel like you can’t.  Husbands need respect.  Follow his leading and don’t fight him (unless he’s asking you to sin).
  • Entice him.  Yep, I just said that.  Marriage is not just about being friends but it’s about being lovers as well.  Be your man’s lover.  (If there is another woman in the picture, then you’ll need to establish your boundaries here.)
  • Be in prayer every day and be in the Word.  This is where your strength and guidance will come from.  Let the Lord convict your heart and follow His leading.  Jesus knows your man better than you do and He knows what your man needs.  Be prepared to minister to your husband at all costs.

After you’ve poured out all you can, rest in the Lord.  Let God move in your marriage and don’t forget that Christ has a purpose and plan for your life.  If at the end of the holidays your husband leaves, then let him leave.  You’ll have peace in knowing you’ve done all that you could to save your marriage.

But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.  1 Cor. 7:15

Now if any other readers have some encouragement to share with this dear sister, please chime in below!

Live a poured out life for Christ,


Photo credit: radiant guy / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

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