
Hope for a Lonely and Hurting Soul

I believe with every fiber of my being that this message needs to be given.  Somewhere out in cyberspace, someone  needs to hear this because: Your loneliness is unbearable. Your heart aches day in and day out. You’re filled with guilt and shame because of your past mistakes. Someone has taken your innocence away or…
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My Story of How I Denied Christ Even though I’m a Christian (Part 1)

Have you ever experienced a time in your Christian walk when you just couldn’t sing songs of praise and worship to the Lord?  Or a time when you just couldn’t, or you didn’t want to read your Bible?  How about a time when you could not feel God’s presence in your life, and all you…
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People say, "you take this Jesus thing too seriously" well, i don't know, christ took me pretty seriously when he died for me on that cross

Do You Take Jesus Seriously?

I went to a funeral yesterday. The man that died loved me dearly and unconditionally. I was precious to him. He thought I was beautiful on the inside and out. He adored me and cherished me and all he could see in me was good, even when I was unlovable and doubted his love for…
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Have You Ever Been Falsely Accused?

Has your character ever been attacked? Mine has.  And let’s just say when that happens, I’m not too fond of it, either!  It bends me out of shape in a BIG way. But then I look at Jesus…. Not only was He falsely accused but He was put to death as well! He didn’t defend…
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Jolene Engle

Hi, I'm Jolene.
I'm so happy you're here!

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