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  1. Wise words, and a lot to think about and aspire to here. I have 4 daughters under the age of 12. Good to know there are Godly boys being raised out there.

  2. This was a beautiful and important post. You lived your life according to Psalm 37:4, delighting in the Lord and making His desires the desires of your heart.

  3. Wow, this post is great! I wish I would have had this post when I was young. Hindsite is 20/20. I was nowhere near God when I made bad choices when I was young. And with my head screwed on backwards I may have thought this list was too over the top for me. Praise the Lord, after a failed marriage I did turn to the Lord and began a relationship with Him. I began to allow Him to lead and guide me. I thank Him for how He has blessed me with a wonderful husband that love Him. I will def share this with my daughter. This is good stuff!!

  4. Love this blog! Adding your notes to my list as I look toward who He has for me… my difficulty is where do I allow for ‘human errors’? At what point do I draw the line? I have someone I feel the Lord has led me to… he is the answer I get every time I pray about marriage… but he is definitely not perfect… I can see that God is still molding him… as He is still molding me…

  5. Hi Piper,
    I know what you mean by being too over the top. I would have thought that as well before I gave my heart to Christ! It blesses my heart to hear that you will be sharing this with your daughter.

  6. Hello sweet Karen! First, I am so glad to hear that you like The Alabaster Jar…it is all for Jesus! Just sharing my story to bring God glory.
    When I write the Courtship part to this post, I believe many of your questions will be answered. Just an fyi…my man WAS not and IS not perfect either. He was also not the man I would have chosen and vise versa! I’ll try to write the post within the next few days or so. Perhaps it will give you more insight into your situation. If not, and you still have questions, feel free to either comment or email me at: respectyourhusband {at} joleneengle {dot} org
    Keep seeking Christ,

  7. I like this post : ) My husband and I had a 4 year courtship, we ran from marriage even though we felt God calling us to it much earlier than we surrendered. It nearly cost us our relationship. Praise God we stuck with it ; ) There’s no doubt my hubby is the one God wanted me with.

    On another note, I mentioned/quoted your e-book in a recent blog post of mine, I absolutely loved what you said about Santa Claus, I’ve always tried to verbalize my problems with him, but never truly suceeded. I love what you wrote.

    Here’s the link

  8. I’m glad you like this post. What a blessing to hear that God has given you a wonderful husband. Thanks for mentioning my ebook on your site too. The santa thing sure does create quite an issue, doesn’t it?

  9. I received this award a few days ago and I thought of you when I finally sat down to post about it, now I am paying it forward by awarding it to you!! You have blessed me!!

    You have been awarded the Liebster Blog Award. The award is to showcase up and coming blogs with less that 200 followers. Please email me and I will send you the award logo and the rules to post to your blog.

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