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  1. I can’t agree with you more. Marriage is under attack! If not through our own negative thinking and expectations, then through the world. And we need to do all we can to protect the most precious of all of God’s gifts – our marriages.

    1. The Baby Mama,
      You are so right about our own negative thinking and expectations causing enough problems in our marriage! Marriage is a gift from God that we definitely need to protect.

  2. Jolene, I whole heartedly agree with you! It breaks my heart everytime I hear a woman say some guy other than her husband is hot or seems to drool over some movie star. Thank you for sharing your heart on this subject! I have never heard of Man Crush Monday but I LOVE the idea of posting a pic of My Man that day 😉

    1. Yep, my heart hurts when I hear a wife say another man other than her husband is hot. But instead of getting on her case, I can be an example and show her that I respect my man in a public way. I know it’s a radical thing in today’s cultural, but I’m a radical kinda gal. 🙂 And women have influence. I want to be an influence that points women to The Word, not the world.

  3. Jolene,

    I couldn’t agree with you more! Thank you so much for posting this. I see this done all of the time except it’s done on Pinterest. I see married Christian women making boards where they keep all of their eye candy and I’ve often felt the same way as you . I’m glad that someone is finally addressing the issue. I’m sure this post will open the eyes of many women.

    God Bless!

    1. Hi Lindsey,
      Yes, perhaps they’ll realize it’s not best for their marriage to have Pinterest boards of other men on it. After all, they probably dreamed and prayed for their husband. Sometimes it’s just a learning process in how you go about protecting your marriage as well as showing your man respect. Respecting a husband is most likely not something many wives grew up knowing one thing about. I know I didn’t!

  4. Oh my- I completely agree! Sometimes it is hard not to be of this world. Other times it is hard to see how others don’t see how that could hurt our husbands. Thank you for talking so openly about this!!

  5. I totally agree with you! We are not of this world, so lets show our husbands the honor God has giving us the privilege of giving to them. In return God and our husbands will bless us. Give and it shall be giving!

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