Wives of the Bible Set- study guide and DVD teachings

You’ve Asked, I’ve Listened!

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time now, you’re probably aware of my book, Wives of the Bible, as well as the bible study I wrote to go with it.  Well, now you can get both resources all wrapped up into one!  Yes, I’ve combined my book to go with the Bible study and I’ve also made available my 25 teaching videos to go with it!  Yes, you’ve asked, and I’ve listened.

Thousands of women participated in this on-line study I offered this past summer and now others want to do it as well!

Click here to check out my new website for the Wives of the Bible products! (squeal!)  Plus, you’ll see my face on video as I share these resources with you.  Oh, and as I sit here typing this, I’m just now learning that my Beloved is taking all of my bloopers and adding them to the video.  Yep, you’ll see all of my mistakes in action! 🙂

Wives of the Bible Set- study guide and DVD teachings

Don’t know a thing about what I’m talking about?  Here’s what the book and bible study will help you with…

The expanded Bible study version of the Wives of the Bible, will take you through an in-depth look into God’s heart, your heart, and your marriage. This study will strengthen your walk with the Lord and equip you in your role as a wife. It’ll take you from the uncertainty, loneliness, pain, and struggles you’re experiencing, to a place of peace, harmony, fulfillment, intimacy, and joy.  Your marriage will go from ordinary to extraordinary.

What You’ll Learn:

• How to take your marriage from good to great, or from the dire straits to a joy-filled marriage.

• Discover the good paths to pursue in your marriage and which paths to avoid.

• Gain some insights into your man and yourself.

• Find out how to have the type of marriage God intended for you.

• Understand how you can put Christ at the center of your marriage so your marriage can not only impact your life, your childrens’ lives, but also the lives of those around you, all for the sake of building the Kingdom of God.

If you’re a single woman and you want to get a head start on laying a proper, biblical foundation for your future marriage, join in on this study.

For more information, go to my product website:  WivesoftheBible.com.

Live a poured out life for Christ,

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Jolene Engle

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