Christmas Gift Ideas for Women

Christmas Gift Ideas for Women

In past years my husband and I didn’t have the money to purchase gifts for one another for Christmas.  But this year we have a few dollars to spend, so I knew he would be asking me what I wanted.

I tried to come up with some categories that might be of help for both me and you when it comes to our men purchasing a gift for us.  Of course you and I most likely won’t have the same style or interests, but perhaps these categories will spark some ideas that you can pass on to your hubby!

Christmas Gift Ideas for Women

Christmas Gift Ideas for Women

Personal Care Products

Got a favorite perfume that you’re low on?  I’ve worn Ralph Lauren’s Romance since my wedding day.

Ralph Lauren Romance

Other Personal Care Item Ideas:

Skin Care Products


Hair Care Products

Kitchen Items

Magic Bullet Deluxe 25 pc Set Blender Mixer

This is something I’d like to have so I can make individual smoothies to my liking!

Other Kitchen Item Ideas:

  • Small Kitchen Appliances
  • Kitchen gadgets
  • Cookware
  • Bakeware

Personal Accesories

Lace Boot Cuff Topper

These boot toppers are just plain adorable!

Other Personal Accessory Ideas:

  • Scarves
  • Earrings
  • Necklaces

Health and Fitness

PiYo – DVD Workout with Exercise Videos

I’ve been very well pleased with this workout system.  It’s a combination of pilates and yoga with cardio mixed in.  Intially, I was hesitant to purchase this product because I’m not a big fan of yoga for two reasons.  One, I couldn’t hold the required stretch long enough and two, I don’t like the eastern religion that is often associated with it.  But PiYo doesn’t do either of these things! This program is also low impact which makes it is easy on your body.  Caution:  this program will work your body and make you sweat!

Other Health and Fitness Ideas:

  • Workout clothing
  • Heart Rate Montior Watch
  • Gym Membership
  • Athletic Shoes

Home Decor

I love the idea of vinyl art!

Do For The Glory Of God Vinyl Art

Love Bears, Believes, Hopes All Things Vinyl Art

Always Kiss Me Goodnight Vinyl Wall Art

Other Home Decor Ideas:

  • Picture Frames for your family photos
  • Framed Art
  • Decorative Pillows and Throws

Personal Growth

Is there a book, course, study, planner, or journal that you’d like to have?  Forward the details about it on to your man so he can get it for you!

Spiral Journal

I happen to have a preference for spiral journals so I can attach my pen to the spiral and not lose it!

Just Fun Stuff

Apples to Apples Bible Edition

I enjoy games but my husband isn’t a fan of the whole ‘board game’ thing.  Although, he does play Apples to Apples with us.  Then I saw this new one, the Bible edition!  Would love to have this game. 🙂

Hobby Items

If you’re into photography, scrapbooking, crafts, or what have you, give your man the specific details of the item you’d like to have in your collection.

Do you have gift ideas in mind?  Please share in the comments!

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