15 Reasons Why a Wife Won’t Follow Her Husband
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church. Ephesians 5:23
Why on earth would a wife want to follow her husband? Because the Bible says the husband is the head. This is how God set up marriage.
Before I married Eric, I could’ve had the type of marriage that I intended, or the type of marriage that God intended. Well, I decided I wanted the type of marriage that God intended so I followed what the Bible said and I want every wife to have a beautiful marriage, which is why I mentor wives.
I know from firsthand experience what it’s like to be in horrible relationships and do what I think is best. But I also know the other side of following God’s instruction manual for marriage.
But there is something to this idea of a wife following her husband that sometimes we just don’t like( or a lot of times we don’t like!)
In today’s podcast episode I’m addressing the 15 reasons why we don’t want to follow our guy. Sometimes when we know ‘why’ we don’t want to do something, it can help us pinpoint our problems and/or help us overcome some of our frustrations.
Click below to listen.
Got a question for me? Here are the guidelines…
- Keep your message short and sweet because you only have 90 seconds to record your question.
- Please leave your name and where you’re from. If you’d like to remain anonymous, you can say you’re Sue from Oregon even though you’re really Jane from California! Yeah, I’m sly like that. I’ve got you covered, sister!
- If applicable, please let me know if your husband is a believer or not.
- Only ask one question per recording. If you have another question, please record another message.
- Rude, offensive, and snarky questions will not be addressed. They will be deleted, thank you very much!
- Please keep in mind that your recorded message will most likely be used on my podcast, therefore, you are agreeing to my terms of use.
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Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle