3 Ways to Reignite Sexual Passion in a Financially Stressed Out Marriage

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  1. Rosann, thank you for sharing your story. I know it will minister to many whether they are dealing with the stress of unemployment or other kinds of stress. You were so blessed to be able to have the turning point conversation. I love your three points. Esp. #1. “This too shall pass” has been a phrase I remind myself over and over during tough times. It always does seem to pass and we are stronger because of it. Gr8 post!!!

  2. Rosann, beautiful! I loved your story and your awesome tips! I really loved setting a fixed time daily for each other. I need to do that! Well, we do spend quality time daily but having it as a consistent routine will make it our priority rather than just happening!

    1. Thank you, Sunu! 🙂 It’s so great that you and your husband are getting quality time together each day. Making that very intentional effort in our marriage really turned up the heat, which is exactly what we both longed for.

    1. Oh Barbie, I so appreciate you and I continue to pray for you and your hubby. Thanks for stopping over to read and comment. 🙂

  3. The best thing is that making love is great fun that does not cost anything. And has so many benefits.

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