Chasing Wisdom Podcast with Jolene Engle

Your New Podcast Bestie

What you'll find on the Chasing Wisdom podcast

The world has dramatically changed and it's gotten darker and harder. There seems to be less connection and community amongst God's people, and thus, all too often, we feel alone in our journey of following Jesus.

If you're looking for biblical advice and encouragement, then the Chasing Wisdom podcast is for you! Join Jolene Engle and Elsie Postovoit for candid conversations about faith, family, friendships, heartbreak, hormones and other stuff not typically discussed amongst Christian women! No topic is off limits.

If you're tired of feeling like you're the only one going through things and you've wondered where all the 'older women' that Titus 2 refers to, look no further. On the Chasing Wisdom podcast, we will seek the scriptures, share stories, and offer Biblical solutions for the messes and the mundane seasons of a woman's life.

This podcast is biblical, practical, and candid. All designed to guide the soul of a woman closer to Jesus-- the true source of wisdom.

They are to teach what is good, so that they may encourage the young women...Titus 2:3,4

Flower Border

what you will find on the podcast

Stories. Scripture. Solutions.

And sarcasm. What’s a podcast without sarcasm!

Say goodbye to feeling desperately alone in your situation.

We’re better together, after all, we are called the Body of Christ!

Biblical guidance and encouragement for your life.

Broken? Uncertain? Losing hope? Let’s walk through these situations together with Scripture in hand.

Headphones with Soundwave

Chasing Wisdom


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Chasing Wisdom with Jolene Engle

Home of the How-to, Transparent, and Christ-centered podcast.


  • Women, ages 20 & up
  • Married or single
  • With or without kids
  • Believers in Jesus Christ (or barely believing...hang in there, friend!)
  • The real, the not-fine, the wounded, weary, filled with worry, or wondering what you're made for.

No matter your age or stage of life, this podcast will equip, encourage, and inspire you for such a time as this.

"He (Jesus) said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.
So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

Matthew 9:27,28 NLT

Psst...that means you're needed. -Jolene

Chase wisdom, change the world.

Woman holding a phone wearing a jean jacket
Gold Sound Waves

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Gold Sound Waves

The Trailer where I share all about my new podcast!

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