christmas gift ideas women e1417229648601

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  1. With this economy as it is, many of us undergo cheaper Christmasses! You can always go to the dollar store and find some items to buy there for the house, meaning Christmas gifts to ALL from SANTA. We have done that for years, opening up “together gifts from SANTA or ST. NICHOLAS” and it can be a small egg beater or things you use all the time, to a toaster press ! I found those plastic Good morning and SMILE
    toaster press on bread before you put the bread in the toaster and we use them to this very day! Check out the dollar stores –>and just walk the aisles ….each store is different. Also cologne, purse sizes can be found at most CVS stores of big name brands that are only $9.98 durin g the Christmas season! Yes, a box of donuts works too or my husband likes his favorite ham from the deli in town call GOLONKA and I always buy a 1/2 lb. of that ……and wrap up a little ham ornament or a piece of paper with cute words on it and the ham is in the frig in the back of the meat keeper for Christmas day …11 pm sandwich for him! Make home made CHristmas cards too. They are special. New mittens or gloves too. They too can be found at many CVS stores or Lowe’s (for men!) Hot chocolate or popcorn too!

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