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  1. Wow, God utterly just met me at the right time through your “post” experience, THANK YOU for your obedience, and THANK GOD for his powerful timing!

  2. Wonderful encouragement today! I know that many times, in the early part of our marriage, I made my husband the source of my joy. Which means that if he was too busy or needed to be somewhere and couldn’t “entertain” me, I was not happy! 😉

    Fortunately God showed me that circumstances and people could not fill me the way that He could! Thanks for hosting today.

  3. The Bible often defines by way of description rather than a “this is what it means” approach. So it is with ‘joy’. In the Bible, there are many portraits of joy. One of the truest joys is in Psalm 113:9 , the barren woman who becomes a mother. Isaiah 51 describes joy as a crown, and speaks of a future day when those whom the Lord ransoms will be overtaken by joy (v. 11b). In 1 Peter 1:8, loving and believing in Christ gives people the inexpressible joy of salvation . In 1 John 1:4, John says that writing about the fellowship with God and believers to believers makes joy “complete”. For me, one of the most joyous things of life is singing; the prophet understood this in Isaiah 52:9, with “songs of joy” over Jerusalem’s return. A return to health also gives joy, and so Philip caused much joy in Samaria by way of healings. And joy under fire, overflowing into generosity , was the hallmark of the Macedonian churches, something Paul treasured. The poverty and trust of the Macedonians fits well with what Habakkuk wrote in a psalm about when Judah was being conquered (Habakkuk 3, esp. v.17-18 ): though there is nothing left, there is joy in knowing Who will save him. This passage also makes it clear that there is no shortage in the supply of joy; it can arise in any place and under any situation.

  4. I have to fight to stop the tears as I read your post – it was written for ‘such a time as this’. I have been experiencing some things in my marriage that I have never experienced before and have grown so very weary in dealing with them. Your words were such an encouragement to my heart – straight from Jesus. Thank yOU!

  5. Jolene,

    Thank you! When I read “Delight yourself in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart”, I knew that my GOD has heard my pleas and HE has been right there weeping for me… Please keep ‘blowing your trumpet’ as you glorify the LORD and minister to countless women who just need to know that even when it feels as if they are alone the LORD is there refuge, their source of strength in times of trouble; and though I can honestly say that if I had an enemy I would not wish one minute of my pain on him/her, in a crazy way when someone can relate to your situation, you don’t feel so isolated. Thank you for your wonderfully comforting and encouraging words.

    Be blessed abundantly dear sister in CHRIST,
    Michelle ~ Weary to My Soul!

  6. Perfect timing for me to read this, Thank you so much Iv been having EXACTLY those questions. Im on the WLW launch team with you and really appreciate your blog! Thank you for investing time in others!

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