finding joy in christ when youre lost in depression 1

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  1. Thank you, it is as if you knew what I am going through. The Lord is my source of strength and my peace. Not sure how to deal with this problem. My children saw my husband( their step father) in the shopping centre with another woman, pushing groceries where as at home there is nothing. when I asked he looked at me as if I do not know what I am talking about. I am swimming in debt, no help from him. how do I keep getting my soul lifted up in this situation.

  2. So timely! I just bought a fresh, cute new journal yesterday 🙂 and am also dealing with some major hormonal imbalances. Iam 39 and was diagnosed as pre-menpausal. Sometimes I am c9ncinved that my body hates me,lol! I plan to read some psalms today and renew my spirit, even just a tiny bit by journaling.
    What I want to do is tell the world to go away. I want to stay in bed today. The struggles are real.
    I can’t say how the day will go. I may not get very far. But I trust that what needs to get done will get done. And I will let God sort out the rest. (I mean that last statement metaphorically as well as with tangible things).
    Bless you Jolene. It continues to astound me that God speaks to me through a woman all the way from CA. You and Eric are dear souls. Timothy and I just love y’all to bits!

    1. Hi Beth,
      Oh how I understand perimenopause. Mine started when I was 31. Leaning onChrist in our weakness definitely makes us stronger women. Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement, sister!

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