Priorities of a Godly Couple

Priorities of a Godly Couple

Every human being only has 24 hours in a day, and how we choose to spend our time will be determined by the priorities of our life.

When we were dating our spouse, we did things for them and we spent countless hours with them. In essence, they were a priority to us.

I could say my husband, Eric is my priority but it is my actions that will prove whether this statement is true or false.

With the constant tug and pull from people, my kids, and responsibilities in my life, I have to be intentional to create and maintain priorities that honor God so I’ll have a marriage and family that honors God.

We’re back today in our series, The Foundations of a Biblical Marriage and Family where Eric and I discuss the priorities a godly couple should pursue.

Click below to listen.

The Foundations of a Biblical Marriage & Family Series:

God’s Plan for Marriage

What Kind of Marriage Are You Building?

The Biblical Role of a Husband (Part 1)

The Biblical Role of a Husband (Part 2)

The Biblical Role of a Wife (Part 1)

The Biblical Role of a Wife (Part 2)

The 4 Actions and Attitudes a Godly Couple Should Pursue

Live a poured out life for Christ,

Jolene Engle

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