The Gospel Cure for the Frazzled and Frustrated Wife
Ever been bent out of shape? Overwhelmed with your situation? Feeling hopeless?
I think you and I can both say a resounding yes to all of the above!
So this brings me to my dear friend, Sarai, also known as Sarah in the Bible. She was the wife of Abraham, and I gotta tell, ya, I just love this gal!
Just last week I gave an in-depth talk to a group of women who were going through my book and Bible study of the Wives of the Bible. The wives I spoke on were Sarai- The Contentious Wife and Job’s Wife- The Discouraging Wife; two very relatable wives!
If you know Sarai’s story, then you know she was rather frazzled over the fact that she still didn’t have a baby. She saw no end to her infertility in sight. She was impatient and she didn’t wait on the Lord. So she took matters into her own hands when she told her husband to sleep with her handmaiden so she could have a baby of her own.
And then you have Job’s wife. Poor gal, how can you not feel sorry for a woman who lost it all. Children, home, possessions, and the health of her husband. With all this loss, how could she not be a frustrated wife?
Follow me over to Christian Wife University for the cure to a frazzled and frustrated life!
P.S. Pardon the dust here. As you can see, I’m revamping things around here. My last theme was fickle, in that women had a hard time opening up my posts. Prayerfully, this is no longer an issue. If it is, then it’s my hosting company. 🙁 Plus, this theme makes finding the content so much easier (and it’s pretty!) I hope you enjoy it!
If you’d like to join the study, you still can! You can find all the information about the study here where you’ll receive access to the free study guide and teaching videos. The only other thing you’ll need to join us so you can further strengthen, rebuild, revive, or better your marriage is to grab my book, Wives of the Bible! Also, if you’re on Facebook, feel free to join our group: World-Changing Women and Wives as we discuss the study.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
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