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  1. Hello, I’m interested in this but I do have a question. Is facebook the only way to view the conference? Or if I buy my ticket would I be able to get it all sent to my email including the free resources? Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Stacia,
      You’ll receive a link in your email which will take you to a dedicated conference page. It’s on that site you’ll be able to watch all of the sessions.

      The only thing that will be on Facebook is the opportunity to chat with the speakers and other attendees.

      Once you buy your ticket you’ll get immediate access to all of the free resources via your email.

      I hope this helps to answer your question!

  2. Will this offer ever be offered again to get the free extra items to help us ( printables, guides, etc..)
    I would like to purchase this if the free helps are included.
    Thank you.

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