Preparing Our Hearts and Home for the Messiah
My heart and home will forever be changed because of that Christmas back in 2010. I do and see things differently during this glorious season as a result of that trial. Isn’t that like our God to work in such a way? To break us, mold us, refine us…all for the sole purpose to draw us closer to Him and to lift His name on high?
I look back and I truly see beauty from ashes like the scriptures say.
I was desperate to see the God who sees.
A hopeful wife and mama hoping for a miracle.
Holding fast to the truth that Christ the Messiah was truly with me even when it didn’t seem like it.
And today I’m waiting for Him.
And I’m watching.
And my mind is stayed on Him during this busy season, this season that can so easily distract me from all that He is. And I don’t want that to happen because I want to breathe Him in.
He is all-consuming and I want to be consuming all of Him during this season; His season.
And when I think of why He stepped down from His throne in Heaven, He did it for the lost, for the sinner, for me, and for you, I can’t help but well up with tears.
Who cares about presents when I can have His presence? That’s what I want for Christmas. That’s what I’m expecting. More of Him and less of me because when I have more of Him I can thrive. I can live without fear. I can soar. I’m fully whole and alive. I’m comforted and calmed. Filled with all peace and all love. No rejection. No pain. No worries. Just Jesus. And that’s what I’m expecting and preparing for this Christmas.
Fullness of joy is found in Christ and if I want a joy-filled heart, marriage, family, home, and Christmas, then I need to run to the Joy-Giver, the One who will give generously to us all.
Rather than having a hectic Christmas, I want a hushed one where I can hear the faint whispers of His love for me. And I’m going to turn my ear to hear His voice, a voice that always beckons me to come closer to Him.
If I want peace this Christmas then I need to stay my mind on Him, the Prince of Peace.
With feet firmly planted, I’m going to stand this Christmas against the norms of society and wait expectantly for Him, my Savior. Not for some imposter, or the next great sale, but rather God’s glory, because there’s nothing else on earth that will ever compare to the presence of Christ.
A wife and a mama can’t muster up joy, we’ve got to go to the Source of joy in order to be filled with it so it can be poured out into the lives of those around us.
So I’m seeking Him. Not the latest gift that will soon be broken or forgotten. But the Perfect Gift, the Gift that died for me and you. The Gift that gives us life.
I want Christ reigning in my heart so much that I can feel two heart beats; mine and His.
So how do I prepare my home for Christmas? I prepare my heart first. (It took me awhile to figure this one out!) I want a Christmas that spills from my heart, not my to-do list. Not what others expect me to do. And not a Christmas that will please others, but rather a Christmas that will please my Lord.
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3
Start preparing your heart, friend.
Seek Him, today.
Expect Him to meet you.
Slow down for Him.
And you’ll surely experience Him this Christmas season.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Need some encouragement and guidance in your marriage? Grab my latest book, Wives of the Bible: 25 Easy Lessons You Can Learn from these Imperfect Women that Will Radically Transform Your Marriage.
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