The 8 Cs that Will Destroy Any Marriage

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  1. Thank you SO much for this!! And for not just putting the negatives (things that will destroy a marriage) but for the solutions, the Biblical CURE that I can work on!! I am so excited to put these things to work in my life and heart, and my marriage!! I am always so blessed by your ministry, and I just want to say God bless you!! And thank you so much!! #DeterminedToBeABlessingToMyHusband

  2. Yeah, I concurr with criticism, complaining, and concealing lies. Two months into our marriage and I see these big time coming from me. I’ve realized its me who needs to change and not try and change him. It’s been a little tough on us both giving that he has ADD. But this is a battle that’s new for us and we are seeking counseling everywhere from church, small group, friends, and mentors.
    Thank you for this.

    1. Reana, thanks for sharing your struggles. Just by you investing in your marriage and recognizing your areas of weakness, I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before things start to improve in your relationship. You go girl!

  3. This has more than blessed me, it has challenged me and i realized there are some things i need to work on as i work towards being the perfect companion for my fiancee in a few months’ time. God richly bless you.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jolene, for this post! I love all of your posts! You are such an encouragement to me as I strive to be the wife God wants me to be to my husband of 28+ years! You are definitely equipping me to do all to the glory of God!

  5. Where have you been all my life?!
    Thank you so much, I feel like a nagging drum in my Biblestudies, asking these things of my sisters.
    You have fleshed things out so nicely. May God continue to bless you!

  6. Very well said! Thank you for pointing out not just the “wrong’s” but also the “right’s”! It’s helpful to see how subtle changes in our attitudes and actions can have such a big impact in our marriages.

  7. This is really great, and I really appreciate the Biblical truths to back up each of your words. I’m getting married in less than a month now and my fiance and I have both read through and discussed these. So helpful!

  8. Wish I would’ve came across your blog months ago. Because this is awesome. Me and my husband separated after 15 months of marriage. I’ve tried talking to him and he doesn’t want to work on our marriage. I leave it in the Lord hands.

  9. What if your husband cusses when he is angry? But considers himself a Christian, so of course I tell him to stop. And if I don’t tell him, that would mean I approve of the behavior which is not Christlike.

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