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  1. Wow this post came at a great time!! I know that God lead me here today. My daughter and her boyfriend of right at a year broke up last night… what a tender heart my girl has! I know that God had ordained there relationship, they have been friends since kindergarten, and did not date until right before graduation last year. I also know that this is an answer to prayer, because as a Mom you just know when something isn’t right. But, it doesn’t make it any easier to see your child hurting. But I know that God has a better plan, and the great part of all this is she knows that God has plans for her and that He has all this under control. May she cling to that promise and may God get the GLORY!!

  2. I’ve been talking these things over with my girls as they are concerned for some of their friends. I’m printing this off to talk to them again, as there are some good words that they will be able to use in their own conversations to their friends. Thanks.

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