The Alabaster Jar's Monday Link Up

Wife After God: Book Review…& a Link-Up!

I know I told you in an earlier post I was taking time off from blogging but I just had to share this new resource with you!

The book, Wife after God, was written by a blogging friend of mine, Jennifer Smith from Unveiled Wife.  A little less than a year ago I had the opportunity  to sit down and talk with Jennifer at a local coffee shop because we live just minutes from one another. Now, I can’t begin to tell you how much of a blessing it was to hear a young wife who has a heart for the Lord, a heart for her husband and a heart to encourage other wives especially in today’s society!   This dear young woman was speaking my language and it was so refreshing as well as a  blessing!  Jennifer’s heart beats passionately to encourage wives from all around the world.

At the time we got together Jennifer briefly shared with me that she had written a devotional for wives but it wasn’t in print yet, but it is now!  And I have the privilege of sharing with you her most recent gift to Christian wives!

About Wife After God 30 Day Marriage Devotional<br /><br /><br /> I wrote this marriage devotional to walk you through an intense journey of experiencing God, specifically tailored to one of your most important ministry roles--being a wife! Here are some scriptures that support the purpose of this devotional: James 4:8, Hebrews 10:22, Colossians 2:2-3</p><br /><br /> <p>It is such a wonderful blessing to share this devotional with you. God spoke to my heart encouraging, assisting, and inspiring me to provide a resource that would draw you closer to Him and closer to your husband. I sincerely hope and pray this marriage devotional is revolutionary in the two most important and intimate relationships in your life. Be encouraged knowing that there are many more wives also experiencing the richness of this content, intentionally striving to be more holy as a child of God and as a wife; you are not alone in your struggles and you are not alone in your transformation of becoming the woman God wants you to be. This is an amazing journey and knowing that you are rallying with wives all across the world to make positive changes in your marriage should be empowering! If this marriage devotional influences you and encourages you, please do not hesitate to share it with another wife. Thank you so much for taking the time to explore this marriage devotional, for being a wife after God, and for investing in your marriage. May faith, hope, and love abound, and may peace fill your heart!<br /><br /><br /> MORE<br /><br /><br /> Wife After God is a refreshing and inspirational 30 day marriage devotional for wives who desire to have a deeper more fulfilling relationship with God and their husbands. This devotional study was prayerfully composed with 30 days of biblical concepts and practical challenges to help you nourish your relationship with God and your relationship with your husband in marriage into ones that are captivating, intimate and extraordinary. Every day you will be presented with a biblical topic to help draw your nearer to your God and your husband. You will find that as your relationship with the creator deepens so will your love for your husband.<br /><br /><br /> Captivating<br /><br /><br /> The encouragements in "Wife After God" thirty day marriage devotional will help you create captivating closeness with God and with your husband.<br /><br /><br /> Intimate<br /><br /><br /> As each day in this marriage devotional intentionally prompts you to cultivate intimacy with God, intimacy with your husband becomes inevitable.<br /><br /><br /> Extraordinary<br /><br /><br /> Journey through "Wife After God" thirty day marriage devotional and experience extraordinary transformation both as a Christian and as a wife.

Wife After God is her new 30-day devotional for wives.

It is the message of His love story and how it relates to marriage! Each chapter is brief, yet powerful, containing focus verses as well as daily challenges.

Jennifer’s book is designed to help encourage, comfort and strengthen your relationship with Christ which will in turn, strengthen your relationship with your husband!  This book is a valuable resource for a wife to be, a new bride or even a bride of many years!  I highly recommend any wife to read this book.  In fact, I believe it will literally transform your marriage.

Starting July 15th the Unveiled Wife Community, is going to journey through this 30 day devotional together and discuss it on social media! And you are invited!!!

For more details please check out the official invitation HERE!

And now for another announcement…

I will be joining the Unveiled Wife Community as a Contributor!  So head on over to Unveiled Wife, grab the book, like her page on Facebook and look to find me over there too!

Now it’s time for Monday’s Link-Up!

The Alabaster Jar's Monday Link Up

Live a poured out life for Christ,


Bloggers, come link up your posts!

I’m looking for posts on any and all things related to being a wife, i.e. homemaking ideas, ways you minister to your husband, dating ideas, and/or hearing what the Lord is telling you about your most important earthly relationship!

Link back to this community, either by using the button below or a text link.  Link to your actual post, not just your general blog address–that way if readers come by later in the week, they can click your relevant post.

The Alabaster Jar

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