Should a Wife Submit to Her Husband in Everything?
Biblical submission. I’m a big fan of it. But unfortunately, not all husbands and wives understand the meaning of it. More often than not, this Biblical command is taken out of context. Many men think their wives should ask ‘how high’ when they tell their woman to ‘jump’. Excuse me a moment while I scoff at that perspective!
Or a husband might believe that a wife should keep her mouth shut when she doesn’t agree with his viewpoint.
Well, here’s a new flash: biblical submission does not equate to being a silent partner in one’s marriage. It’s a marriage, not a dictatorship.
When a husband holds to some of these viewpoints, then I can tell you he is wrong and misguided in his understanding of the Word of God. And I mean dead wrong!
I’ve written A LOT about Biblical submission so you can get a better understanding of it. In fact, I’ve done a video about it, and I’ve written a short guide on the concept to help you see the purpose and the beauty of it. And I’ve shared the lies and misconceptions people believe about it. You can get my short guide for free when you subscribe below.
So, should a wife submit to her husband in everything? Inquiring wives want to know!
Here’s a hint and my short answer…Nope!
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Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle
My husband and I started going to church together but lately he has not been going and he would rather be with his friends that to spend time with me. It seems that he is a bit jealous of me trying to build a stronger relationship with God. He also feels that I’ve stepped outside of our marriage to be with someone else. Therefore he is thinking that we may need to part ways. We’ve been married for 1yr 8mths.