You Mean I Should Glorify God?
So today while reading my bible I read about the paralytic man in Luke, chapter 5 where Jesus healed him, and afterwards the man got up and he ‘glorified God’. Just a few sentences later the people that were looking on were amazed at what took place and they too, ‘glorified God.’
That little statement, ‘glorified God’ stuck with me throughout the day. So I decided to do a search through the scriptures to find more about this wonderful statement. And of course I couldn’t help but share these nuggets of wisdom with my closest on-line friends, now could I? I know, I know, that’s pretty generous of me, isn’t it? Well, before you start thanking me you might want to wait until you finish reading the entire list of scriptures below! Perhaps now would be a good time to grab that chocolate for emotional support because this is going to be painful!
I won’t keep you in suspense any longer, so here’s the list…
Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter. 1 Peter 4:16
- So I laughed out loud when I read this verse because all of the Christians that I know, suffer! But imagine what the Church would be like if we actually glorified God during our suffering. That’s convicting isn’t it? I guess throwing a pity party for oneself is not on the top of the list of growing more like Christ.
And that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy, as it is written: “For this reason I will confess to You among the Gentiles, and sing to Your name.” Romans 15:9
- So, if you’re not Jewish, then you being a Gentile have reason to glorify God because you have received the Gospel message! So in other words, maybe I shouldn’t complain about a thing in my life because after all, I DO HAVE MY SALVATION and that, my friend, is more than what we deserve. Why don’t I remember that more often?? Sigh.
For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:20
- My life is not my life; it belongs to the Lord. He paid for it with His blood. So the least I can do is live my life for Him, right? Laying down my desires, rights, wants so I can bring Him glory. Wow, that’s a tough one because then I’d have to die to my flesh…. Every. Minute. Of. The. Day. 24/7 til I get to Heaven!
Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Romans 15:5-7
- Oh dear! Receive one another? You mean the Lord wants us to get along with others? Yikes! Well that list could include our husband, children, in-laws (or out-laws!), extended family and friends. I guess I have some work to do!
Jesus said this to let him (Peter) know by what kind of death he would glorify God. John 21:19
- Can you imagine glorifying God through your death, as a martyr? Well, I don’t know about you, but I can barely glorify God through my simple day to day life!
Oh goodness, girlfriend, after I read these verses I kinda felt like I went to the Spiritual Chiropractor!
Perhaps all of us from time to time need an adjustment of ‘self’? Or maybe we need the healing hands of the Holy Spirit to tweak our perspective towards Heaven rather than being so wrapped up in this temporary world? Because what does God want us to do?
He wants us to bring Him glory everyday. Through our living, through our suffering, through our relationships, and even up to our death.
God wants us to bring Him glory ALL THE TIME!
So dear one, were you challenged by this little list? I know I certainly was!
Whatever your situation, whether a trial or hardship or just living through the mundane, can you look to glorify God today?
Let’s been intentional Believers together and bring our Most High God glory, shall we?
Live a poured out life for Christ,
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I’m linking up with these dear ladies: We Are That Family, Women Living Well, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Deep Roots at Home, Beholding Glory, Internet Cafe Devotions,
Thank you Jolene for being obediant to the Lord’s spirit in your writings. I needed this right about now, as tears were streaming about 1/2 hour ago. Pity party, no, just worrying about things instead of going to the God of miracles and finding comfort and peace and giving him glory even in the trials.
So now back to gloryifing our God as the trials continue, singing in praise and adoration for who he is, God bless you Jolene, and thanks again,
He’ll be with you, Leah! What a blessing to hear that you are changing your perspective to Him rather than your circumstances. I know He’ll be glorified through you!
Hi Jolene – firstly, yes I was challenged, sigh! Secondly, great scriptures. I need to get myself in gear and start glorifying my Lord and Saviour through thick and thin!
God bless
Oh, it is so hard thru thick and thin, Tracy! But we are made to glorify Him. Blessed to hear that your heart wants to please Him in all things.
Beautiful, Jolene. And as far as ‘receiving one another,’ I think it is that we need to receive each other more with the mercy and grace of Christ. Set aside your expectations and judgements, just love people where they are.
Thanks for your help and encouragement, Pearl!
Good column, Jolene. Those verses really hit home with me. As a Christian I want to glorify God in everything I do, but sometimes it’s easy to forget just what exactly that means. This was a great reminder!
So glad to hear it blessed you.
Hi Jolene,
I can relate to what you are saying here.Giving glory in all situations really does glorify Him
And when we die especially right now, right here to self, God gets the glory because we become teachable and usable by Him.
Tanks for sharing,
your newest FaceBook fan.
Hi Ugochi,
“Teachable and usable”, love that! Blessed to hear that you’re now a part of this community!