10 Ways to Help Your Marriage Blossom
When the years of marriage roll on by in our lives, it’s so easy for our love and passion toward our husbands to diminish.
However, if you make the choice to be intentional about strengthening your marriage, I can honestly tell you it will make all the difference in your relationship!
Here’s a simple list of 10 things that you can do every day that will help your marriage blossom. 🙂
- Tell your man you believe in him and you’re proud of him.
- Tell him you think he’s handsome and then kiss him passionately.
- Tell him he’s a great lover.
- Thank him for working so hard for your family.
- Thank him for asking you to marry him and let him know you’d say ‘yes’ all over again.
- Place a higher priority on your role as a wife rather than on your role as a mother.
- Dress more like a wife rather than a mom (minus the early days of newborns and breastfeeding, of course!)
- Be in the Word of God and pray for you and your man to grow closer to Jesus Christ every day.
- Be careful to not allow trials to snuff out your love and passion for one another.
- Don’t give complacency a chance to reside in your marriage.
As Believers, our marriages are always on display in this dark world. By choosing to focus ever-so-slightly on the precious gift that God has given us in marriage, (rather than ourselves), the end result will bring glory to Jesus Christ. And since we are God’s daughters, we want to bring Him glory, right?
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. 1 Cor. 9:24,25
Run the race of ‘marriage’ in a Godly way. And when your life here on earth is over, you’ll receive the imperishable crown, not to mention you’ll have a beautiful and glorious marriage here on earth! Yep, that’s the kind of marriage I want. Now how about you, dear friend?
Let’s strive to have our marriages reflect the love of Jesus Christ.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle
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