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  1. As always, you are humble and gracious and that’s why I love your blog. Thank you for opening your world to other women who need encouragement and God’s love. I pray for a happy, healthy, and healing new year to you!

  2. My Christian walk was radically transformed at the Woman’s Conference this pass October, and now my Savior’s back on the throne of my heart. I didn’t realize I had drifted so far away, thereby allowing idols to occupy that throne, I was one of those idols, as well as my husband and kids, and a host of others.
    I’m learning to die to myself, a “word” that the Lord has been speaking to me for some time before it came alive to me at the conference. I’m realizing now that dying to myself is where true life really is: “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it:and whosever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”Matthew 16:25. I have the joy of my salvation once again and now am breathing Life into my husband and children. Happy New Year, Sister! Betty

  3. Hello Sweet Sister!
    So glad to hear the Holy Spirit moved within your heart and you made a change towards Christ being on the throne! That’s all that really matters in life. When we put Him in His rightful place within our hearts, everything else will line up. 🙂
    The next time I happen to run into you at church, I’ll have to give you a big hug from the Lord!

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