The Alabaster Jar Out Loud
This is really hard for me to tell you….
It feels like my heart is about to pound right out of my chest.
Just the thought of embarking on this journey makes my face flush and hot. I am sure if you could see me, my face would be bright red!
Here’s the big news. I knew you could hardly wait to hear it.
The Alabaster Jar ministry might be extending to on-line radio! Gulp.
Personally, I was a little freaked out when my Beloved shared his thoughts about using this resource to extend the ministry of The Alabaster Jar.
Then I thought about it for a little bit. And prayed about it.
Speaking doesn’t take me nearly as long to communicate my thoughts like writing does. Between serving my family, keeping my home and homeschooling my children, there is not much time left in my day to write. (Hence one of the reasons why I don’t post a new article that often.)
We discussed the ideas of posting videos…but I shied away from that thought a long time ago. Maybe I thought it was too much effort, or just something that God did not place on my heart at the time.
But doing on-line radio would solve some problems that I thought doing a video presented, like …
- There would be nothing to stage.
- No one needed to video me speaking.
- No cleaning up the house before videotaping.
- And the most priceless reason: No hair and makeup would need to be done!
My Beloved found a free, blogtalk radio program. Did I mention that it was free? That works for us right now. It fits within our budget. 🙂
Although, the radio program is not LIVE, at least not yet.
The free program allows me to give multiple recorded messages in varying time increments and I can offer new shows several times a month.
The paid programming allows callers to call in and ask questions. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT CONCEPT!!!!! But, I am not there yet. I think I need to just get my feet wet with this new idea and begin taping. Obviously I need to learn a little bit about the technical aspects that are needed in order to tape a show, plus I am waiting for the Lord to lead me seeing how I don’t want to go ANYWHERE where He is not!
Me=Broadcasting? It’s parallel to oil and water.
But, if that’s where He’s sending me, then I’ll go. I’ll give it a try. I’ll listen to my Beloved as well. He always likes it when I do that! (wink)
In case you were wondering, my writings will still continue, but the radio programming may allow me to go deeper into a concept or allow me to give more guidance and encouragement to women, plus it can touch lives that this writing ministry doesn’t reach.
So, any thoughts on this project? Is this something you would be interested in hearing? Trust me, you won’t hurt my feelings if you say no! It might be my way out. (lol)
Sounds fabulous! We are all for it and support you 100%.
🙂 Thanks friend. You are too kind!
Well Friend, I know you don’t want to hear this but… I think it would be a great idea. You light up when women ask you questions and you get to answer them and this would be a perfect way to do that. I really think it would go far and quickly at that! I will be praying for the Lord’s guidance on your steps and that learning the program would be quick and painless! 🙂 Blessings to you and your new endeaver!!
Wow, how amazing and wonderful that would be! I will be praying for you as you seek the Lord for His direction and guidance. I actually could see you as a Christian Dr. Laura Schlessinger (I think that’s her name ?!) but of course with wisdom from the Lord. May you continue to be filled , so that you can continue to pour. 🙂
No, I didn’t want to hear it now that I feel paralyzed with fear, thanks to the enemy. I am taking a deep breath knowing the Lord will show Himself to me in this journey. Thanks for your prayers and support, they lifted me up this evening.
If the Lord guides you to it, he will guid you through it.
You will have to keep us up to date, this is something my husband is very interested in doing, and something I’ve toyed around with. I swear I listen to so many online radio broadcasts during the day, I’d love to add yours to my list.
Thanks Neta!
I will keep you updated KM. I just found out last night that the free hosting does allow me to do a LIVE show where I can take callers! But I will still start with a few taped recordings to ease into the whole thing. It blessed me to hear that you would listen to it! 🙂
Oh Betty, you have no idea how your words spoke to my fearful heart! It’s a long story that some day I’ll have to share with you. But know this…your words came straight from the Lord. Thanks for pouring into me. 🙂
You. Go. GIRL!!!!
Jolene, if it’s taped…can it be archived and listened to at any time in the future? If so…then is the time slot that important to begin with? (If you take callers in the future, I think the time will obvisouly be important.) I think this is so cool. I love the idea of you TWO taking callers…couples…to strengthen marriages! I will be in prayer for you my friends!
Hey Kim!
So good to hear from you. I am still learning the radio site so I don’t know yet if the archived shows would be available for the Free programming that we are signed up for. Of course if we upgrade to a premium membership and pay, then it would be available for us.:) There is still so much to navigate through and learn on their site, I get overwhelmed by just being on it for more than 5 minutes! Yes, us TWO doing a show and makin’ friends!! That’s got to be one of the funniest things that God has asked us to do! To God be the glory. Thanks for your prayers and input, they meant a lot to me.
AWESOME JOLENE! Looks like you are on your way to the radio! This is going to be really neat and you will be able to reach so many women. Its one thing to read a post and be encouraged but there are always questions that women have that are not specifically addressed. This is a great opportunity to reach out and answer those difficult to answer questions. I love the idea! Praying for direction as to when this is going to start! Praying always. Love you Jolene!
Awe, you so ministered to my heart! Thanks for your encouragement, I needed that today. 🙂
Message me and let me know when you can get together too.
Hi Jolene,
How can I serve you Lord? That is what I hear you say as as disciple of Christ.
Are you a strong godly woman, living a life to please Him, following Him, allowing Him to use you as a vessel for His kingdom?
Has the Lord opened a door for you to explore and to stretch you in ways you don’t even know that you can? Has He and will He continue to equip you for what is to come? Can this opportunity be an amazing, encouraging, life provoking, and exciting time for all to see how He works in you as
you share in the way that only you can do? Will you be obedient?
He has shown you much through your experiences so you may inspire others. As you continue to deepen your relationship in Him, as you seek spiritual knowledge this prepares you for anything the Lord calls you to do. Your insight and honesty if in love can stirs up, provoke and open hearts to see the truth in life matters so that lives can be changed for the better.
Will it be easy? Will your faith carry you? Will it be worth it? Congratulations with this opportunity to shine for Jesus!
In love, Sabine
I am always glad to read your thoughts and share this life’s journey with you through your words on the site. Though I cannot see you and your family I’m always happy to see that through it all you are standing strong. We always pray for you and your family and I am happy to see that the Lord is guiding you in this new venture. As Thomas Carlyle said “Every noble work is at first impossible,” this new venture though scarry and thrilling at the same time…will in God’s hands become a possibility, will flourish and bless others. Glad you are willitng to follow as He leads. Always interceeding, Debbie R.
You blessed my heart today with your words Deb. So good to hear from you! Thanks for your prayers, they are always appreciated. 🙂 Hope your family is doing well and you are staying in His presence.
Love you much,
Good luck .. my friend..I am so excited….notify me when it goes live. Our different timings might be a problem for live shows.oops!
May God guide you and bless you… all through the process. He definitely has a plan..Lets see what unfolds this year!