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  1. Thanks, Jolene. Needing to work on this area for our family following my hubby’s cancer treatment. And I’ve had a high blood pressure the past couple trips to the Dr. Some stress related to those trips as I was having some things tested, but want to keep that in check to avoid medication. And yes, another bill from the hospital sets us back financially AGAIN! So frugality is a must in our home as well. Will check out the sites you listed as well.

  2. This is a comprehensive list – I think you have it pretty well covered Jolene. All of these tips are useful even if you’re not on a low budget just because boxed/prepared foods are, for the most part, so bad for all of us.

    I would add, making stock with chicken bones, feet, etc. The feet are cheap and full of gelatin, very good for you. Also we don’t buy flavored yogurt, just plain and then we put honey on top if we want to. And my kids and I love frozen banana shakes – we mix frozen bananas, milk, cream(if we have it), and anything else we feel like (blueberries, cocoa powder, peanut butter, vanilla, etc.) It’s a nutritious, inexpensive smoothie.

    Beans and rice is the best cheap meal ever! Or, beans and tortillas (enchiladas), beans and homemade tortilla chips with guacamole and salsa, beans and tortillas with slow roasted pork, etc. We have some form of beans and somethin’ else AT LEAST once a week. If I have extra time to make it even better, I make enchilada sauce – the chiles are not expensive. I layer the enchiladas in a stack rather than rolling them up, and put a fried egg on top. It’s cheap and it’s one of my favorite meals ever.

    Every once in a while we roast a duck. My kids love it. They are full of fat. I save the fat in a jar. I’m telling you, corn tortilla chips fried in duck fat are the best ever! And then we make stock with the bones.

    I also make my own flour tortillas. It’s really easy. I use the recipe in “The Joy of Cooking”.

    Thanks for all the tips!

  3. Thanks Tonya.

    Yes, I was going to add the chicken stock as well, but I felt the post was long enough. Plus, I had to eat chicken soup with chicken feet in it (for health reasons) for a week for all three meals. Guess it’s a bad memory of mine. 🙂
    In the past, lot’s of our breakfasts consisted of smoothies with coconut oil and flaxseed oil in them with frozen fruit.
    Hmmmm, I have never had duck.
    I was going to start making my own tortillas! I can have them now but again, the additives are a big issue for my body. Thanks for all of your additional tips, friend!

  4. Thanks so much for linking up at Thrifty Thursday… and for being so frank about you dislike of the being in the kitchen. I think sometimes people assume homemakers naturally love all aspects of their jobs—we don’t. But, like you said, if a task is part of our calling we should learn to do it.

    What a wonderful list! We do most of the things, but I almost always serve some sort of vegetable side. You’re right though, it’s not absolutely necessary!

    Whenever a type of food is in season, I buy a whole bunch to freeze for the coming year. I just got a big box of sweet potatoes for (almost) dirt cheap and pureed and flash froze little portions. They’ll be great for baby food or sweet potato dishes. I also tried making “pumpkin” muffins with it and they turned out great. You could hardly tell a difference!

    Thanks again for the great list and for linking up at Thrifty Thursday! 🙂

  5. Thank you for writing this post, Jolene! I especially appreciate it because I know that cooking/homemaking is not as much your passion as marriage/ministering to other women. But that is particularly why I was so interested in hearing what you had to say on this. While I so appreciate women who devote thier blogs/passions to homemaking, I often feel that reading their posts only further highlights my own weakness/apathy in the area of homemaking. This post gave me some real and tangible things I can do that don’t overwhelm me, or make me feel insufficient. And it reminded me of one of my favorite scriptures:
    -“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9-

  6. Hi Anna,
    Thanks for stopping by! Love your veggie/fruit in season tip. I need to learn how to do some of that. Thanks for hosting on Thursday. I have a linkup on Monday and would love for you to join me!

  7. Thank you for all these tips, Jolene! They are great reminders, especially on limiting desserts (note to self: must stop making so many cookies) 🙂 We like to combine sales with coupons if we can to get more bang for our buck at the grocery store, although we have to drive 30 miles to Target, so it’s not as easy anymore! Thanks for linking up with Thrifty Thursday too…hope you’ll join us again and looking forward to reading more of your blog as well.

  8. These are great tips. My husband has been recently diagnosed with Celiac’s disease, so I am now exploring gluten-free cooking. Thank you for discussing a timely topic for me!

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