sexual sin
Podcast, sexual sin, Wifehood
When Your Spouse Has Sexual Fantasies about Someone Else
Everyday choices can either build a marriage or break it. Personally speaking, if I don’t bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), it won’t take much for my self-centered, flesh-filled thoughts to hijack my mind so I make destructive choices not God-honoring ones. Every human being on the face…
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Biblical Guidance in the Case of Adultery
I receive emails all the time from wives asking me for advice on what they should do now that they have found out that their husband has committed adultery. In the following video and audio podcast, my husband and I dive into what the Bible has to say. We discuss reconciliation and restoration as well…
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When a Christian Husband Views Porn
Pornography is becoming all too common in our society today and unfortunately the Church is not immune from this sin either. One wife wrote to me asking for advice as she’s dealing with this in her marriage. Click below to listen. Resources: My Chains Are Gone Online Accountability Program- XXXChurch Got a question for me?…
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