How to Have the Best Christmas Ever
Buying gifts, standing in long lines, tensions building in relationships, concerns over finances, experiencing a bit of frustration, irritability, and exhaustion in trying to do it all. Yep, it sure sounds like the Christmas season is here!
Sadly to say, the Christmas season hasn’t always been an enjoyable time of year for me.
From feeling like a failure as a mom because I couldn’t do enough for my children,
to not being enough for others,
to not having enough to give to the ones I love.
This glorious season felt anything but glorious.
Many years ago when my children were just toddlers, a parent of mine walked out of my home on Christmas Eve. Not only did they walk out of my house, but they walked out of my life. I soon realized that there’s a cost to pay for following Jesus Christ. (Matthew. 10:35-37)
I held back my tears.
I tried to remain strong.
I was trusting in God’s plan for my life even though I couldn’t understand it.
I tried to remember Who I belonged to even though I felt rejected.
Yet, no matter the Truth, I couldn’t hold the tears back and the sorrow I felt in my heart.
So I clung to my Savior…
His Name Shall Be Called…
Wonderful, Counselor
Isaiah 9:6
Several years later my father was on his death bed during the Christmas season. We all stood around his hospital bed saying our goodbyes, and he, in his coherent state, said his goodbyes as well. It was all so odd and unnatural, but modern medicine was keeping him alive, and thus it created a modern death. Pacemakers and defibrillators needed to be turned off in his body so the remaining organ, his heart, could shut down too.
It was a death that you watched and waited for and it was wrong on every level. But there was no other choice. We all stood and cried as we looked on at the nurse injecting morphine into my father’s IV, a man who was fully alive, but one who would soon sleep and never awake on this earth again.
And then we waited for him to take his last breath…
He died on Christmas Eve.
My boys were too young to understand death, but they did understand Jesus’ birth since they had been anticipating the Messiah’s arrival all month long. So the Christmas Eve festivities continued at my house like planned.
I thought the busyness would help numb the pain and the sense of loss that I was feeling.
I held back my tears.
I tried to remain strong.
But the tears rushed down my face.
So I clung to my Savior…
His Name Shall Be Called…
Almighty God and Everlasting Father
Isaiah 9:6
A few years later and we have no gifts to give our children and no stable place to call home.
I was fighting the fears that were welling up inside of me.
I was pushing aside things that didn’t make sense.
Will our basic necessities truly be met like the Word says?
“Jesus will provide,” was a constant statement I’d share with my boys and my husband. And in my heart I was trying to believe it myself. But of course the doubt and the questioning of my Messiah came…
Why would the Lord allow this?
I held back my tears.
I tried to remain strong.
But it was no use holding back the flood of tears because they just gushed out.
So I clung to my Savior…
His Name Shall Be Called…
The Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6
It’s been hard finding Joy in Christmas.
I’ve known the Isaiah 9:6 verse for many years and it’s one that I just truly love. Reading all the different aspects of Who Christ is really ministers to me. But for some reason I didn’t apply that piece of the puzzle when I went through my ‘Christmas season’ trials.
When it felt like I didn’t know what to do based on my life’s circumstances, what I had right in front of me was my Wonderful Counselor guiding me into all Truth.
When my heart ached to be loved and comforted, I had THE Almighty God and My Everlasting Father’s arms to run right into.
And when it felt like my world was crumbling, I had the Prince of Peace soothing my soul.
So I have learned over all of my years that no matter my life’s circumstances that true Joy comes from:
- Seeking Jesus,
- Resting in Him,
- Standing firm on His promises,
- Clinging to Him rather than to my own hopes and dreams,
- and praising His name because it is well with my soul.
It’s in those moments that I’m ushered into the presence of the King of Kings. Even if life is wonderful right now, it could never trump experiencing the glory of God.
Your life might be a mess right now. Maybe you’re hurting and you feel forsaken. Maybe you’re living in depression and despair. Maybe you’re gripped by fear or living in strife. Maybe it’s your marriage, your children, outside relationships, your health or maybe even your finances. You might be standing in ashes and you’re waiting for a miracle this Christmas.
Our Miracle has come, sweet friend…
because the Christ Child has come for you,
He came to dwell with you,
He is within you.
and He won’t forsake you.
When you’re in the presence of the Messiah, the Savior of the World, that’s how you have the best Christmas ever!
Here’s a peek into some areas of what our Christmas looks like this year….
It’s been quite simplified because of our financial hardships. A few years back we sold our 9 ft. fake tree (the one I just loved!) We sold it because we needed food. Now we have one that’s less than 2 ft. tall. It’s what we can afford and what will fit into our little home. Yes, our lives have changed even down to how we decorate for Christmas. But there’s a simplicity to our lives today and that’s something very sweet and precious; something I’ve learned the hard way! 🙂
We wish to see Jesus. John 12:21
Tips on How to Experience the Presence of the Lord this Christmas:
- Be in God’s Word.
- Spend time in prayer.
- Then sit and listen (generally this step is skipped because we live in such a fast-paced world filled with to-do lists to be checked off especially during the Christmas season!) But truly sit and wait for the Lord to speak to you.
- Be in fellowship with like-minded Believers and actually talk about the things of the Lord. Here’s some examples: How is God ministering to you? Where do you see His hand in your life right now? How is God using you today?
- Listen to Christ-centered music. (I absolutely love praise and worship music because it always ministers to my soul.) Right now Chris Tomlin’s, Michael W. Smith’s, Casting Crowns’, and Jeremy Camp’s Christmas music is on repeat in my cd player. Hearing this throughout the day takes the focus off of myself, my fears, concerns, selfish desires, etc. and puts my perspective back on Christ.
When Mary was with Child, she visited Elizabeth and she shared with her these life-giving, soul-refreshing, Christ-centered words…
“My soul magnifies the Lord!” For He has done great things for us! (Luke 1:46, 49)
I’m going to follow in Mary’s footsteps, friend. Will you join me?
Now it’s your turn. What else can you add to this list so you can experience the presence of the Lord during this glorious season?
For some low-cost to no-cost ideas for Christmas, you can read this post.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
Need some encouragement and guidance in your marriage? Grab my latest book, Wives of the Bible: 25 Easy Lessons You Can Learn from these Imperfect Women that Will Radically Transform Your Marriage.
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