Why You Should Let Your Man Lead When You Can Do a Better Job
The concept of ‘letting my man lead’ was definitely not an idea I was exposed to when I was a single woman. This gal was clearly in charge of all aspects of my life, that is until I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ.
Fully surrendering my will to the Lord caused me to take God at His Word. It required me to exercise my faith muscles instead of exercising my emotions. Not an easy thing to do, but, I wanted to trust His ways rather than my own.
However, before I got married, I read the verse about the husband being the head of the home (1 Cor. 11:3) and it just didn’t sit too well with my dominant personality and my controlling ways. But in spite of my feelings and lack of wisdom, I chose to follow the Bible, anyways.
I’ve been married now for almost 20 years, and during this time I’ve been holding on to God’s Word and applying it to my marriage regardless of whether I feel I can do a better job than my husband in leading the home.
Does this mean I always act right?
Respond right?
Have the right attitude when conflict arises?
No. No. And no.
But who am I to argue with the Creator of Marriage about who is to be the head of the home? Having the right biblical perspective and faith in God makes all the difference in my attitude!
Listen in to this episode for more biblical insight on this highly debated topic in today’s culture.
Scripture reference:
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. 1 Cor. 11:3
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Live a poured out life for Christ,
Jolene Engle
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