Podcast, Wifehood
How a Wife Can Forgive and Forget the Hurtful Words Said in Marriage
The words we say to others matter…especially in marriage. What we say to our spouse can either soften their hearts and draw them closer to us or the words we sling can pierce their souls and push them away from us. In our fallen and flesh-filled state, a hurtful word (or two!) can definitely spill from our…
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When a Husband Threatens Divorce
Harsh words. Divorce threatened. Name calling. What’s a wife to do when she experiences these things in her marriage? This is what one wife is dealing with in her life. Here’s her story… Dear Jolene, How am I to forgive my husband repeatedly when he doesn’t want to change? He says he does but then…
Read More Becoming a Christ-Centered Wife, Wifehood
The Wife Who Looks at the Cross
Growing up, I never once heard my family say, “I’m sorry, will you forgive me?” And for a person to not receive forgiveness nor be taught how to forgive others, I naturally became a woman who held grudges, became bitter, and would wish ill will towards others in a heartbeat. Because I’m kind like that.…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Sexual Sin, Wifehood
Day 24: Lessons From Infidelity
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. Twelve years into our marriage, I found out that Clint had an affair. A few days after his initial confession I found out there was more. He’d had multiple affairs over the course of almost four years. It was completely devastating and life-altering. In…
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