protecting your marriage
Podcast, Wifehood
Dealing with Temptation When You’re Married
As Christians, we live in this world but we’re not to be of it. The Bible says we’re to be set apart, but what do we do with our feelings when they seem contrary to the Scriptures? How do we navigate life with them? Here’s one woman’s story… Dear Jolene, I have been reading your…
Read More 31 Days to a Better Marriage Series, Wifehood
Day 25: 6 Ways To Preserve Your Marriage When You’re Too Busy Pouring Into Others
Missed some posts in this series? You can read them here. You listen to a friend whose heart is breaking as her marriage is crumbling around her, you sit with a mom whose child is facing a serious illness, and you hold her hand tightly as you pray with her. You pray with another who…
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4 Hedges to Put Up Around Your Marriage
Hedges. Fences. Brickwalls. These are all borders to protect us. We place these things around our home to keep out unwanted guests whether they’re cute, small critters or scary, big predators. We need to take this same premise into our marriage in order to protect our marital relationship from seemingly innocent outsiders or outright intruders…
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