Why My Heart Breaks
It breaks for the Christian woman who is barely holding on to her faith in Christ.
It breaks for the wife who is in a marriage filled with strife, bitterness, loneliness, opression, or God forbid, a form of abuse.
It breaks for the weary woman who doesn’t know where to turn for strength, hope, and peace.
It breaks for the one who feels insecure, unsupported, and worried in her many roles of life.
It breaks for the lonely woman with only shallow friendships because she lives in a prison built by her own walls.
It breaks for all the women who are serving the Lord day in and day out who have been wounded by others.
If any of these describe you, friend, then know that I truly do hurt with you and I weep because I can’t do much to help.
And although I have this blog where I try to encourage and equip you in this journey called life, I still don’t think it is enough. I wanted to figure out some other way to reach out and connect with you so I thought a forum, a Christ-centered one at that, (take that Satan!), would offer another way to minister to hurting and struggling hearts.
When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. Romans 12:13
We all need a lift don’t we?
Someone to tell us to keep going.
Someone to tell us they accept us.
Someone to tell us they’ll stand by us.
Someone to validate us and what we’re doing.
Someone to offer us some advice when we don’t know what to do.
Someone to tell us they’re praying for us.
I’m not much of a forum fan myself. In fact, I had never even been in one until there was controversy surrounding my post on Submissive Wives. But here I am offering a place for my Sisters in Christ nonetheless. See, God changes us if we’re willing!
Since we are made to glorify God, I know I won’t rest until my time here on earth serving my King is finished. So I share with you my heart for this ministry because this right here, this place, is where my heart beats fast, but ironically, it’s the same place where I shed tears and my soul aches.
So a few things about a forum in case you’re clueless like me!
- You need to sign up to be a part of The Alabaster Jar Community. Don’t forget to bring your secret password for this elite club! smile. All kidding aside, it’s simple to register. Feel free to sign up as Anonymous in case you think you might ask a very personal or embarrassing question. In fact, this is encouraged because I’d rather you ask the question than be deterred from asking it. After all, we just might talk about shhhh, s-e-x.
- Anyone can ask a question or respond to a question so you don’t need to wait on me. Many times the question you have is something another woman is struggling with, so when your question is shared and answered others benefit as a result of this process.
- Be a gracious woman…in other words, play nice! Be respectful of the other women’s thoughts, struggles, experiences, etc.
- If someone shows up that’s nasty, I’ll just cut their ear off. Oh, wait, that’s Peter, not me. No, I’ll kick them out of the forum because I’m not looking for controversy. They can join a debate team instead.
- Be a dear and spread the word. Tell your friends about our forum so they can be encouraged and equipped here as well!
By the way, if you get into the forum and you’re having troubles, can you let me know in an email, comment, or on FB? The little booger is somewhat fickle and we all know how deep my knowledge is of technical things! (lol)
So sweet sister, although I have not met you in person, I’ve met you in my heart and I just love you to pieces! I look forward to hanging out with you in our Forum for Friends.
Live a poured out life for Christ,
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