Women Mentoring Women in Marriage and Singleness
Looking for a mentor for your Christian walk and/or marriage? Well, look no further!
Coming to a computer screen near you is a bite size Bible study of the Wives of the Bible!
When I was newly saved and single I had no older Christian women showing me how to be a Godly woman. But God, in His sovereignty knew what I longed for and needed, therefore He drew me to the women of the Bible so I could learn from them! Thus, many of them became my mentors. Now I want to pass on to you what they’ve passed on to me so you can put Christ at the center of your marriage!
My personal invitation to you!
If you can’t view the video player, click the link below:
What You’ll Learn:
- What are the good paths to pursue in your marriage and which ones you should avoid.
- How to take your marriage from good to great. Or from the dire straits to a joy-filled life!
- Gain some insights into your man. Or yourself!
- How to have a marriage that reflects Christ and the Church!
If you’re a single woman and want to get a head start of laying a proper, biblical foundation for your future marriage, join in on the study! Better yet, grab a group of single women to join you. I can assure you you’ll receive great insight from the wives we’ll be discussing!
What You Can Expect:
- In the study, I’ll be going deeper into the life of each wife I’ve written in my book, Wives of the Bible, and I’ll help you apply the Bible to your own marriage and walk with God.
- It’s a weekly study for 13 weeks.
- Each week I’ll be doing a short video teaching of 8-10 minutes. Since there are 25 wives in my book, I didn’t want to have a 25 week study, therefore, I’m discussing 2 wives per week.
- You’ll have a short study guide which will cover each wife in the book. I’ve made the study guide doable, meaning, you’ll only be answering 10 questions or less on each wife.
- You can also expect an on-line community of this Bible study. I’ve created a Facebook group where you and other women can connect and discuss the wives of the week. Here’s the link to the group: World-Changing Women/Wives. Or you can gather up your girlfriends and do this study in real life, which, I believe would be great for your walk, after all, fellowship is a needed and biblical thing! What woman doesn’t desire it?
- I made this Bible study manageable for the busy woman, wife, and mom so you can actually implement all that you’ve learned!
Even though the summer study is now over, we’ve made the resources available to you at WivesoftheBible.com!
When: The study will start mid-June. Subscribe to my site so you can receive future updates about the study.
Cost: For now, it’s just the cost of the book! Here’s where you can get the book. There are 3 different formats to choose from: pdf/kindle/paperback. Choose a format to your liking. 🙂
How to sign up: No sign ups are needed. In the coming weeks I’ll send out more information about the study as well as how you can get the study guide. And if you’re doing the study strictly on-line, I’ll share the link to the Facebook group.
For Leaders: Start gathering up your girlfriends today! Or if you’re a mom with adult daughters, have them join you!
Some ways to lead a group:
Either volunteer to open up your home or ask a friend to be a hostess so all you have to do is lead the group. Or you can make it real casual and just go to a local coffee shop. (In prior years of my life, I’ve done all three depending on the season of life I was in.) Each week coming mid June I will release a new video on Tuesday mornings throughout the summer. You can either watch the videos together or separately and then discuss the wives of the week. Another option is to lead a group of women on-line via your own Facebook group. If you do this, please invite me to hang out at your place! 🙂
I’m looking forward to connecting with you even more as we embark on this incredible journey of becoming world-changers in our marriages and in our communities!
Are you with me? My comments are open, so let me know if you’ll be joining the study because I’d love to hear from you!! And can you do me a favor? Can you share this with your friends?
Live a poured out life for Christ,
I think this sounds wonderful! I will definitely do this and I will ask a couple of friends to join me. Thank you for doing this!
So blessed to hear you’ll be joining us, Annalee!
I look forward to this!
Yay! Good to have you with us, Starla!
I am truly looking forward to this bible study. The book is amazing and I have shared this with my girlfriend group and “sis in loves”! We are in a season where the world needs more examples of ” Christ- like wives”. It starts at home and I’m determined to be that example for my daughter and son through our 13+ year marriage!
So thank you for this!
That’s so awesome to hear, Leshia! And yes, the world does need to see more examples of Christ-like Wives!!
The theme I have for this study is: “Be a World-Changing Woman/Wife”!
So glad to have you change the world with us!
Last Christmas I bought this book for myself and two others. I’m now hoping we can all do the study with you. I’m so glad you’ve decided to do a study on it, as I’m sure it will be encouraging to many marriages. Thank you!
P.S. I don’t remember how I found your blog, but have been reading your inspired words for over two years now. You’re such a blessing to us wifes. As an aside, I’ve been a patient of Dr. Yeh, my oldest younger brother is an old friend of Eric’s, and Eric once wallpapered our home right after my husband and I married (Dec 1995)…. Small world.
Oops…make that “wives.” ;P
Wow! That’s just wonderful, Christi. And yes, what a small world!! What’s your brother’s name so I can mention it to Eric. You can message me the info on FB if you’d like to remain private. Here’s my profile page: https://www.facebook.com/jolene.engle
A few of my girlfriends and I will be doing the study together. I am so excited to be growing in The Lord. Thanks for all you do!!
You are welcome, Tiffany. It’s all because of Jesus! Blessed to hear you’ll be joining us.
someone follow the study and not purchase the book? Just wondering. Would love to review the book for my blog, I promote christian writers via my blog no cost just honest reviews and promotion of your work. God bless
Hi Pamela, yes, you’ll need the book to go through the study. To review it for your blog, you can contact me at respectyourhusband{at}joleneengle{dot}org
I may need to join you. I’m currently working (and blogging) my way through the Love Dare book and this may be a nice addition to that time of study. I’m seeing a potential shift on my blog of talking more about loving our husbands well which led me back here today. Thanks so much. Blessings.
Sounds great, Beth. Lord willing, you can join us!
My bible study group will be taking a break for the summer but I have decided to join your group for the summer and maybe my girlfriends will also since its on line.
Anita, that’s awesome to hear! My Bible study group is taking a break for the summer as well. It’s always good to try and stay connected in the Word and with others!
Can’t wait for this!
am sorry for late reply was very busy……….doing at work………i want to be the best woman God want me to be and how i can take care of my married in future….and how i can be married and still serve God better.i will love to be use totally by God.
oh nice message will love to watch d women with their 10 questions so i can learn from them………stay bless
Hey Jolene,
I would absolutely LOVE to join this Bible Study. In fact, I already bought the PDF version of you book. But.. here the problem. I don’t have Facebook. Is there any other way I can follow along? And when does this Bible Study gonna start?
Hi Alina,
You are more than welcome to join us! You don’t need to be a part of Facebook to join the study- that’s just another way for women to connect. Follow this post and the links within it to get access to the study guide and the teaching videos. The study has already started but I designed it to be very flexible so it’ll work with your schedule. You’ll see a study schedule on the resource page (which is within this link) https://joleneengle.com/need-know-bible-study/
This week I just covered wives #5 and #6. Come join me and you’ll definitely benefit by it!
I am interested in leading this Bible study. Could you email me and tell me how to get started. I believe Christ is in the middle of my marriage, but I would like to even grow more and help other woman. Thank you, Sheryl
Hi Sheryl,
I don’t have your email address. You can contact me here.https://joleneengle.com/contact-jolene/
Are you still doing the bible studies? I did purchase your book and am interested in receiving bible study questions fi they are available and would like to join a group that is studying the book. Thankyou for wncouraging strong marriages
The summer Bible study is over but you can find the study guide through this link: https://joleneengle.com/need-know-bible-study/ The videos will be available until Thanksgiving.
Would like to join this.
I would love to do this with my mom!!
I enjoyed your article, an answered prayer as I’m struggling of how to handle all the stress the hardships were going through is putting on our marriage. Financial issues is the big thing,I can’t work until our five year old has surgery for constructive pediatric sleep apnea. He quits breathing in the middle of the night and I have to shake him so he’ll breath again, this is a serious operation for a five year old. I get very little sleep during the night and haven’t slept in my bed in weeks because I have to be by my sons side, the surgeon explained he knew I must be tired but they moved surgery from late July to the 30th of this month. I’d do anything for my husband and my kids. I’m exhausted and stressed because without me working were not making enough money to pay all the bills and his job has cut hours making it more difficult and he’s I’ll and seems to take it out on us, he’s said hurtful things as if I have a choice at this point to work or stay home, we have no family, no Christian friends nearby to offer to help out and nobody knows how to care for my son as the doctors have instructed me to, believe me I’d rather my son be healthy and me be working and contributing rather than sitting here watching my son gasp for a breath, this isn’t easy for me I’ve always worked and been very independent. We also have a eight year old daughter Abby. I couldn’t be happier with my children we all love the lord and were not ashamed, they’ll invite anybody to church, pass out brochures and sing and praise the lord wherever we are and I encourage it. It seems my husband has no compassion for me, I get very little sleep caring for our son he can’t be left alone at anytime, his airways are constricted therefore a cpap machine won’t work because no child likes a mask on there face…lol. I don’t get five mins of quiet time for myself and it seems my husband doesn’t care how I feel. I’m always submissive to my husband and thanks be to god I’ve humbled myself and rather than argue with him I bite my tongue and remain quite and try and walk away, for me to do that when I want to defend myself it’s hard, but I’ve tried to take the advice of older Christian women in the past. I got saved December. 5,2014 the devil tries so hard but the devil may shake me but I can’t let him break me down, I’ve prayed about these issues lately and I know god is working through you to give us ladies your wonderful words of wisdom, couldn’t have been better timing. I doubt I’ll be able to even afford a book but wanted to join the summer study, is there any free resources to getting the book or online reading? I’ll pray about it and sorry to vent my story but nice to know a lovely Christian woman with your wisdom understands and can give godly advice, thank you for your page and I look forward to reading more. Thank you and god bless you