What are you doing to know Christ more this coming year?
If there was only one thing I could pursue this coming year, it would be this: To glorify Jesus Christ. I’m not much of a fan for resolutions, but I do like goals! You can read here why I don’t make resolutions and what I do instead. If you’re looking to make some Christ-centered plans, perhaps…
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4 Ways to Feel Beautiful…when you’re not really feeling it
Any person in their right mind would think that what I’m about to share on the topic of feeling beautiful actually feels beautiful. But I don’t. When I look in the mirror, I cringe. When I was invited by J from Hot, Holy, and Humorous to guest post on her series of Feel Beautiful, I cringed. Over the…
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Top 10 Things a Wise Woman Should Pursue
Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you’ve tried to set priorities in your life, your soul still feels undernourished and unsettled? Yeah, me too. I kept asking the Lord what was it that I was missing. How come I couldn’t get grounded and organized? Why couldn’t I reach a point of order…
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How to Manage Your Home for God’s Glory
Laundry. Meal preparation. Child training. Budgeting. Cleaning. This list of what needs to be done in the home could go on and on- whether a woman works inside or outside of the home. A home needs to be managed because souls reside in a home. It’s a simple premise, but the day to day hustle and…
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5 Biblical Essentials to Protect Your Heart from Growing Bitter
My tired and overwhelmed body had just two boxes left to unpack. I was so thankful they were tiny. Written on them in my handwriting, read, “Framed Photos”. Not giving any thought to the contents inside, I opened them up. Each small frame I took out displayed a photo of a small face. Photos I hadn’t…
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The Day I Stopped Praying
The days were becoming increasingly harder. My situation was pushing me beyond my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual capabilities. My flesh was growing weary and discouraged by the second. My husband had asked me if I had talked to the Lord and prayed about what I was going through. My response, “I stopped praying.” As I was…
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When You Are Insecure with Your Outer Appearance
Are you insecure with your outer appearance? Do you wish certain body parts were different? More times than I care to admit, I’ve felt the same way. I wish I had a longer torso and a smaller waist, but that is not how God made me. I’m all legs and while some may like this,…
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Learning to Make Wise Decisions as a Couple
You want one thing and your husband wants another. How do you make a wise, biblically-based choice when you and your husband are divided? Got a question for me? Here are the guidelines… Keep your message short and sweet because you only have 90 seconds to record your question. Please leave your name and where you’re from. If…
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10 Ways to Live a Miserable Life
More times than I care to admit, my name has been listed next to each point written below. (Ouch!) Hmm, I guess that’s why I’ve had many moments of depression throughout my life! The list below is some things I’ve been teaching my sons to avoid (and it’s a great reminder for me and my husband), about how…
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