
3 Reasons Why I Follow Jesus Even When I Don’t Feel Like It

I went to a funeral today.  The man who died had unconditional love for me.  He accepted me for who I am and told me I was the apple of his eye.  He adored me and cherished me, and all he could see in me was good.  I was precious to him even when I…
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The 3 Root Issues that Cause Us to Freak Out Over Finances

I think most people at one point in their lives have worried about their finances.  We’ve attended what I like to call, The School of Financial Suffering.  Of course, some have been attending this school longer than others.   Certainly, the one person that holds a Doctorate in this school is Job himself.  Goodness, I think he…
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Who is Influencing You?

Have you ever been in a situation where your friends were pulling you away from the Lord? Maybe they’re not the best influence in your life?  I’ve been there myself and so has another reader wondering what she should do in her situation. Here’s her story… Dear Jolene, I am 21, and I was saved by the Lord…
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Confessions of a Former Contentious Woman

It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.  Proverbs 21:19 What exactly is a contentious woman? As a young Christian, when I came across that verse I had no idea what it meant to be a contentious woman.  Angry?  Yes.  But contentious, well that was a big…
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4 On-Going Ways to Boot Fear Out of Your Heart and Mind

Fear.  It has become part of my wardrobe yet I keep trying to throw the thing out and send it to the local thrift store.  But for some reason, I can’t get rid of it.  I keep wearing this emotional villain like it’s my favorite pair of jeans. But it’s not. Fear strangles me. Holds me back. Causes…
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Redeeming the Time when You’re Short on Time

Just last month I was having a conversation with my husband about all the different projects and paths in front of me.  Not sure of what to pursue and what to let go of, I asked myself this question, “If I had only 30 days left to live, where would I spend my time?” At…
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The Art of Being a Wife who Cultivates a Fulfilling Marriage

A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1 When I became a wife, it never even occurred to me that I was either going to demolish my marriage or build it up based on my words, actions, and attitudes according to the wise woman in…
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How I Got Beyond My Identity Crisis

“Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people. 1 Peter 2:10 (NLT) I have struggled with my identity for well over 30 years.  Today, I’m now in my mid-forties and hopefully what I’ve learned will help you with who you really are. The three little words, “Who am I” have woven their way…
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10 Ways to Know if You’re Emasculating Your Husband

In our culture today, men are being emasculated left and right by the women in their lives. Young men are even acting more and more effeminate- showing characteristics typical of a woman. I often wonder where are all the Godly, masculine men?  Well, women (especially wives) have such a tremendous influence over how the men in our lives…
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A few of my favorite resources to grow closer to Christ

With all of the New Year’s resolutions and goal-setting that is swarming about on social media right now, all of it just makes me want to stick my head in the sand.  There are so many aspects of my life that I could improve upon or just refresh that my list alone could paralyze me…
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Jolene Engle

Hi, I'm Jolene.
I'm so happy you're here!

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